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Component Configuration

Tara K edited this page Apr 10, 2018 · 2 revisions

menuconfig->Component config->TarableSSD1306

Enable default i2c master interface code

  • Bus speed for i2c master Default: 250000
  • I2C port number to use Default: 0
  • Default SCL pin number Default: 22
  • Default SDA pin number Default: 21

Enable default SPI master interface code

  • Default SPI Host Default: HSPI
  • Default Frequency for attached displays Default: 1000000
  • Default MOSI pin number Default: 13
  • Default SCLK pin number Default: 14
  • Default DC pin number Default: 33

Call abort() on all errors

This is specific to errors within TarableSSD1306.
If enabled, all errors will write text to the console and call abort() rather than just writing the error to the console and continuing on.
An example would be that if enabled, a NULL value passed to a function will abort rather than just continuing execution and returning a failure.

Clipping debug level

There are many reasons a pixel may attempt to be drawn offscreen, a lot of the time this is in error so this gives you a choice on how you want to handle it.
Default is warning


Don't do anything, instead just silently not draw the pixel.
This can be used for rudimentary text scrolling if you start or end up outside the bounds of the screen and move toward the inside.


Writes a warning to the console, but lets the pixel fall through anyway.
Do not use this if you're doing off screen drawing because the warning messages will slow everything down to a crawl.


Writes an error to the console and calls abort.
For when you absolutely positively HAVE to keep drawing within the lines.
Note: Because aborting won't update the screen, you won't see up to where the last visible pixel was drawn.