Welcome to the repository for the BRACu Fall-2023 semester of CSE110 - Programming Language I course. This repository contains a collection of all lab-assignments, quizzes, practice works, and exercise solution codes for the course.
The repository is organized into the following sections:
- Assignments: Contains all homework assignments related to problem-solving and program design.
- Quizzes: Includes quizzes conducted throughout the semester.
- Practice Works: Practice exercises to reinforce lecture material.
- Exercise Solutions: Solutions to exercises provided during lectures and practice sessions.
Navigate to the respective folders to access assignments, quizzes, practice works, and exercise solutions. Each file is named according to its purpose and includes detailed instructions and explanations.
This repository contains files in Jupyter Notebook (*.ipynb
) format, which allows for interactive coding and documentation. To effectively view and run these files, ensure you have the necessary tools set up on your system, such as Python installed along with Jupyter Notebook or JupyterLab. Alternatively, you can use online platforms like Google Colab, which provide an easy and hassle-free environment to execute Jupyter Notebooks without requiring a local setup.
To clone this repository to your local machine, use the following command:
git clone https://github.com/Tanzeebul-Tamim/CSE110-Fall-2023.git