Sixleg Borderbasher for 35C3
Project description
Here the 1:10 prototype of the now widely known Borderbashers6 crawls out of the historic Design series Robots for Human Rights. The development of the HumanisticBots is a practical consequence of the increasing criminalization of humanitarian activities in Europe, latest since the migration policy crisis since 2015.
The strengthening of nationalist and racist forces in Europe that accompanies the crisis is leading to ever more extensive undermining of human rights. The result is the shutting off of external borders, acceptance of drowning refugees in the Mediterranean Sea and mob-like racist attacks in Saxony and other parts of Europe.
Civil society commitment against these conditions is becoming more and more criminalized and punished with increasingly harsh sentences. The situation is deteriorating, in that the work of some NGOs is becoming a danger for life and limb.
The challenge for clever engineers who have been sick of working for Rheinmetall, Heckler & Koch all along and who prefer to go underground, is clear: The construction of artificial Intelligence for the resistance. Drones and robots must defend fundamental rights against the national human insanity!
For the first time in December android life guards off the Libyan coast cause a stir, as during the rescue of over 200 people in distress, two Frontex ships were sunk. The construction of border installations on the mainland is being led ad adsurdum by the six-legged Borderbashers , since repeatedly more than hundred kilometer long border fortifications are being trampled down, making controls impossible.
Irrespective of the original programming, some AIs currently autonomously develop recreational activities. Thus repeatedly the media become aware of oil siphoned machines throwing spare parts at fascist demonstrations. A frightened Italian Minister of the Interior even reports that he woke up of a metallic shuffle in his apartment, a voice with a slightly synthetic accent mumbled "-Na-zis-g-o-" outside his bedroom door.
Join the "Robots without Borders" network, refine movements, implement a categorical imperative algorithm, enable robots to do good through their actions.