First of all please clone this repo on your IDE (or any other python enviroment, python >=3.7)
next - get inside the /Project_year4_last/finalproject/ (cd /Project_year4_last/finalproject/)
do the following commands (in the terminal/CMD): 1. pip install scapy 2. pip install -r requirements.txt
wait for all the packages to be installed.
run the main (inside the /Project_year4_last/finalproject/) and the you will get a command line.
looks like that : streamlit run <your_path>Project_year4_last\finalproject\
for example : streamlit run C:\Users\eladtal\PycharmProjects\project_testing\Project_year4_last\finalproject\
run this in the terminal/CMD and you will have a webpage:
Browse the video you want to get the metrics about, wait to the results and thats it!
Elad Talyaz and Yael Biton