A puppet module for installing and configuring Scala Build Tool. SBT is an open source build tool for Scala and Java projects.
The default configuration installs and configures sbt via the sbt jar download and configuration.
Prerequisite : You need to have Java installed on your machine in order to have sbt working using this type of installation.
class { 'sbt':
sbt_jar_version => '0.13.11'
sbt_java_opts => '-Xms512M -Xmx1536M -Xss1M -XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled -XX:MaxPermSize=256M'
sbt_jar_path => '/bin'
It is also possible to install sbt via a RPM package. To do so, you must set the install_as_package
parameter to true
class { 'sbt': }
This package will install openjdk as part of the process, so you don't need to have java installed as a prerequisite.
The publish action is used to publish your project to a remote repository. To use publishing, you need to specify the repository to publish to and the credentials to use.
To do so, you have to configure a set of hiera variables, such as:
sbt::publish_configure_credentials: true
sbt::publish_credentials_folder: '/home/myuser/.ivy2/'
sbt::publish_credentials_file: '.credentials'
sbt::publish_credentials_file_owner: 'myuser'
sbt::publish_realm: 'My Nexus Repository Manager'
sbt::publish_host: 'my.artifact.repo.net'
sbt::publish_user: 'admin'
sbt::publish_password: 'admin'
- Whether to install sbt via the RPM package or the jar filesbt_jar_version
- The version of sbt to install (default is 0.13.11) - Only used when installing via the jar filesbt_jar_path
- The directory in which to install the jar file - Only used when installing via the jar filesbt_java_opts
- The Java options used when launching a sbt buildpublish_configure_credentials
- Whether to set the configuration for remote publishingpublish_credentials_folder
- The directory in which to place the credentials file used for publishingpublish_credentials_file
- The name of the file containing the credentials used for publishingpublish_credentials_file_owner
- The owner of the crendentials filepublish_realm
- The realm of the artifacts repositorypublish_host
- The artifacts repository hostpublish_user
- Username for publishing into the artifacts repositorypublish_password
- Password for publishing into the artifacts repository
All parameters can be defined in hiera:
sbt::install_as_package: false
sbt::sbt_jar_version: 0.13.11
sbt::sbt_jar_path: '/bin/'
sbt::sbt_java_opts: '-Xms512M -Xmx1536M -Xss1M -XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled -XX:MaxPermSize=256M'
sbt::publish_configure_credentials: true
sbt::publish_credentials_folder: '/home/myuser/.ivy2/'
sbt::publish_credentials_file: '.credentials'
sbt::publish_credentials_file_owner: 'myuser'
sbt::publish_realm: 'My Nexus Repository Manager'
sbt::publish_host: 'my.artifact.repo.net'
sbt::publish_user: 'admin'
sbt::publish_password: 'admin'
- puppetlabs-stdlib
> 2.4.0
- maestrodev-wget
> 1.7.0
For installation as a jar file
- CentOS/Redhat 6/7
- Ubuntu 14.04
For installation as a package
- CentOS/Redhat 6/7