yii2 component for Microsoft Teams Message Card and Adaptive Cart
Based on this repositories:
- https://github.com/laravel-notification-channels/microsoft-teams
- https://github.com/sebbmeyer/php-microsoft-teams-connector
This is not a complete package, just an implementation example. And also, there may be references to classes that are not provided here.
$message = AdaptiveCard::create()
->title('Title #1')
->fact('Single fact#1', 'Some text **here**')
->fact('Single fact#2', 'More test')
Fact::create('Fact Set', 'Few grouped values'),
Fact::create('Assigned to', 'Some Person'),
Fact::create('Status', 'Not started'),
->title('Title #2')
->text('Hi <at>Roman Bat\'kovich</at>! This is mention in text')
->mention($email, 'Roman Bat\'kovich')
->textMention($email, 'Roman Bat\'kovich')
->textMention($email, 'Any Name For Mention')
->button('Button #1', $url1)
->button('Button #2', $url2);