Nutrition is a highly configurable mod to enable the creation of health systems in Minecraft.
Through its config files, Nutrition allows you to define custom food groups (called nutrients) which apply effects based on nutrition levels.
By default, Nutrition comes configured with the classic five food group system: dairy, fruit, grain, protein, and vegetables. However many different systems are possible. Some examples include:
- A spicy tolerance bar, where eating enough spicy foods will grant a permanent resistance to fire.
- A zombie simulation where you must eat brains to avoid negative effects.
- Gluten intolerance. Eat bread, get sick.
When updating the mod, please delete your /config/nutrition/nutrients/
directory to receive new mod support. This is necessary so we don't overwrite any customizations.
Mods that are supported with the default five-food group system include:
- AbyssalCraft
- Actually Additions
- Advent of Ascension
- The Aether
- akkamaddi's Ashenwheat
- Animalium
- Animania
- Aquaculture
- Beasts
- Better Animals Plus
- BetterNether
- Better with Addons
- Better with Mods
- The Betweenlands
- Bewitchment
- Biomes O' Plenty
- Cave Root
- Chococraft
- Combustive Fishing
- Complex Crops
- Defiled Lands
- Duck Craft
- Edible Bugs
- Erebus
- Exotic Birds
- Ex Sartagine
- Extra Utilities 2
- Familiar Fauna
- Fauna and Ecology
- Food Expansion
- Forestry
- Fossils and Archeology Revival
- Galacticraft
- Glacidus
- Grim Pack
- Grimoire of Gaia
- Growthcraft Community Edition
- Heat and Climate
- Ice and Fire
- Inspirations
- JurassiCraft
- Lycanites Mobs
- The Midnight
- Mo' Creatures
- Mob Mash
- Mystical World
- Natura
- Natural Fauna
- NetherEx
- Pam's BrewCraft
- Pam's HarvestCraft
- Pam's Simply Strawberries
- PizzaCraft
- Plant Mega Pack
- Plants
- PrimalCore
- Primitive Mobs
- Project: Vibrant Journeys
- Pyrotech
- Quark
- Rats
- RealWorld
- Reptile Mod
- Rockhounding Surface
- Roots
- Roots Classic
- Rustic
- SaltyMod
- Simple Corn
- Simply Tea!
- Skye's Bakery
- Taco Tuesday
- Tea the Story
- Thaumcraft
- Tinkers Construct
- Tiny Progressions
- Tropicraft
- Twilight Forest
- VanillaFoodPantry
- XL Food Mod
- Zoo & Wild Animals Rebuilt
Mod support contributions are welcome! Please create a Pull Request or an Issue with the relevant .json files.