This repository can be used for analysing the long-term impact of static fairness constraints.
- The functions and classes for our model are in "", "", and "".
- We present the applications of our model with Jupyter notebook.
- The figure in the FICO experiment is plotted by Matlab. The code is in the folder "FICO_fig".
Step 1: Install Python 3.
Step 2: Intall pip.
curl -o
Step 3: Install Jupyter notebook.
pip install notebook
Step 4: Install the following packages. fairlearn, tempeh, numpy, pandas, scipy, sklearn, matplotlib, cvxpy, pynverse, random, copy, progressbar, collections
pip install XXX
(replace XXX with the name of packages)
Step 5: Restart the Jupyter Notebook and run the code.
The synthetic data, FICO, and COMPAS experiments are shown in the folder notebook.
Figures and results of COMPAS experiment.
Figures and results of FICO experiment.