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Garry Jolley-Rogers edited this page Feb 10, 2014 · 9 revisions

Withing the framework or as an extension to phyloJIVE - we cannot tell which.

We are considering these future features:

  • pulling tree from databases or from online repo's such as TreeBase
  • ???? using classifications in lieu of phylogenies; drawing from online sources where appropriate
  • easier configuration of links and datasources perhaps via a gui that creates a configuration
  • less naive character inference algorithms (which will require some thought about how to control for statistical paucity in character data)
  • easy intuitive way to use guids and LSIDs as taxon identifiers. and align these across different data providers (a VERY big ask)
  • Other visualisations e.g adapting OneZoom to include character inference and links
  • and visualisations that offer new possibilities e.g. linking two phylogenies or tanglegrams via [Force Directed map] (, Treemp, interactive Rgraphs, or interactive space trees
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