Latest Release 1.0.0
❯ ./yups -h
║░ yups ░║
usage: yups -sqrmfy {args} -hv
path: /usr/bin/yups
-s, -style select [(l|light)|(m|mono)(p|paper)]
-q, -query input starting search query
-r, -repository browse a specific repo [core|extra|community|aur]
-m, -margin set the margin 10|2,5|5,3,8|1,5,2,3
-h, -help show this help
-v, -version get yups version
ctrl-space toggle package
ctrl-d deselect-all
ctrl-l clear-query
ctrl-p toggle-preview
ctrl-w toggle-preview-wrap
shift-up preview-up
shift-down preview-down
shift-left preview-page-up
shift-right preview-page-down
ctrl-s see package stats
ctrl-u list updatable packages
ctrl-n read the news
ctrl-g get info about installed packages
enter install package(s)
esc leave, do nothing
tab toggle package and move pointer down
shift-tab toggle package and move pointer up
ctrl-h list keybindings (help)
paru -S yups
git clone
cd yups
sudo make install
wget -O ~/.local/bin/yups
chmod +x ~/.local/bin/yups