This repository contains a real estate price predictor based on a Linear Regression Model. The dataset is a collection of about 66,000 private residential real estate transaction prices in Singapore over 2017 to 2020, published by the Singapore Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA). The degree of accuracy or R-square coefficient is 61%, based on a reduced set of four parameters, for ease of onward deployment onto the Maya Properties chatbot. The LR Model is coded in Python and executed on Jupyter Notebook.
This repository contains:
- Home Value FINAL I-python Jupyter Notebook file
- The executed Jupyter Notebook file with outputs saved in PDF
- Dataset of private residential real estate prices from URA
- Data dictionary
- LR Model coefficients and intercept in excel file
Watch the demo and explanation video of this Real Estate Price Predictor:
The real estate price estimator is deployed as one of the functionalities in a Google Dialogflow chatbot and website (Maya Properties website & chatbot).
Maya Properties website:
Demo Videos
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