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ORKG Papers

This service uses the RDF triple store of the ORKG to create papers dump, in which papers are associated with their abstracts. The abstract data is fetched from semanticscholar and crossref metadata registries, and therefore, is allowed to be dealt with as their usage policies allow (see license).

Data Format

The papers dump is stored in a csv data format which makes it easy to be loaded with a pandas.DataFrame. The dump has the following columns' schema:

  • uri: Paper URI in the ORKG.
  • title: Paper's title.
  • doi: Paper's DOI (Digital Object Identifier).
  • abstract: The abstract text exactly as we get from the sources.
  • processed_abstract: Processed abstract's text.
    • HTML tags are removed.
    • Whitespace characters are removed.
    • Lowercase is obtained.
  • research_field: The research field(s) of the paper.
  • s2_research_field: The s2FieldsOfStudy field from SemanticScholar.
  • publisher: The name of the publisher.
  • date: The publication date.
  • *_source: These columns denotes to the source (semanticscholar or crossreff) of the field mentioned in *. E.g. abstract_source.

Note: We use the token <SEP> to separate values of list-typed cells.

Example usage:

import pandas as pd

df = pd.read_csv('path/to/the/dump') # currently hosted under ''

and the output will be

Index(['uri', 'title', 'doi', 'abstract', 'abstract_source', 'date',
       'date_source', 'processed_abstract', 'publisher', 'publisher_source',
       'research_field', 'research_field_source', 's2_research_field',

Direct Download

The latest versions of the file, including a changelog, can be found at

You can download the abstracts dump directly by clicking on this link, which you can also use for you downstream application to directly download the data without any authentication.


wget <the link here> -O orkg_papers.csv

How to Run

NOTE: In case you're running the service for the first time and your ORKG_PAPERS_HOST_DATA_DIRECTORY path is different from orkg-papers/data/, we recommend to copy its content to your provided path, so that you do not need to fetch the data from scratch. In case you are executing the script with docker-compose you do not need to manually copy the data, since it is already configured if you set the environment variables properly.

Manual Run


git clone
cd orkg-papers

then create an .env file with proper environment variables and finally run the service with executing:

// only if your system uses another base python version
poetry env use <path-to-your-python3.7-interpreter> 

poetry install
poetry run python -m src.update


To mount the host data directory into the container's please consider setting the environment variables properly.

git clone
cd orkg-papers
docker-compose up

Environment Variables

The following environment variables are required to run the service and are defined in the .env file.

Variable Description
ORKG_TRIPLE_STORE URL to the ORKG triple store.
ORKG_PAPERS_HOST_DATA_DIRECTORY Path to the directory in which the dump file will be/is already stored.
ORKG_PAPERS_DOCKER_DATA_DIRECTORY Path to the directory in which the dump file will be/is already stored inside the docker container. Only required when running with Docker-Compose.


Since this service only aggregates data from different sources, we therefore rely on their data licenses. Please check each of:


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