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UrlDown #72

wants to merge 14 commits into
base: master
Choose a base branch
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions
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@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# (c) Shrimadhav U K
# (c) Shrimadhav U K S A

# the logging things
import logging
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app = pyrogram.Client(
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions plugins/
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Expand Up @@ -267,9 +267,9 @@ async def download_coroutine(bot, session, url, file_name, chat_id, message_id,
await bot.edit_message_text(
text="""Initiating Download
text="""Yuklash natijasi
URL: {}
File Size: {}""".format(url, humanbytes(total_length))
File hajmi: {}""".format(url, humanbytes(total_length))
with open(file_name, "wb") as f_handle:
while True:
Expand All @@ -290,8 +290,8 @@ async def download_coroutine(bot, session, url, file_name, chat_id, message_id,
current_message = """**Download Status**
URL: {}
File Size: {}
Downloaded: {}
File hajmi: {}
Yuklash: {}
ETA: {}""".format(
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions plugins/
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Expand Up @@ -323,9 +323,9 @@ async def youtube_dl_call_back(bot, update):
media_album_p = []
if images is not None:
i = 0
caption = "© @TGBotsZ"
caption = "© @SalomovAsliddin"
if is_w_f:
caption = "/upgrade to Plan D to remove the watermark\n© @AnyDLBot"
caption = "/upgrade to Plan D to remove the watermark\n© @All_Url_DownloaderBot"
for image in images:
if os.path.exists(str(image)):
if i == 0:
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6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions plugins/
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Expand Up @@ -42,14 +42,14 @@ async def echo(bot, update):
user = await bot.get_chat_member(update_channel,
if user.status == "kicked":
await update.reply_text("🤭 Sorry Dude, You are **B A N N E D 🤣🤣🤣**")
await update.reply_text("🤭 Kechirasiz , Siz **B A N N E D** bo'ldingiz ")
except UserNotParticipant:
#await update.reply_text(f"Join @{update_channel} To Use Me")
await update.reply_text(
text="**Join My Updates Channel to use ME 😎 🤭**",
text="**Siz mening kanalimga a'zo bo'ling 😎 🤭**",
[ InlineKeyboardButton(text="Join My Updates Channel", url=f"{update_channel}")]
[ InlineKeyboardButton(text="Kanal ✔", url=f"{update_channel}")]
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74 changes: 35 additions & 39 deletions
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@@ -1,63 +1,59 @@
class Translation(object):
START_TEXT = """Hello,
This is a Telegram URL Upload Bot!
START_TEXT = """Siz /help buyrug'i yordamida mendan qanday foydalanishni bilib olishingiz mumkin

<b>Please send me any direct download URL Link, i can upload to telegram as File/Video</b>
Siz /upgrade buyrug'i yordamida yuqori funktsiyalarga ega bo'lishingiz mumkin

/help for more details..

Support Group : @InFoTelGroup
© @SpEcHlDe , @TGBotsZ & @CWProjects"""
RENAME_403_ERR = "Sorry. You are not permitted to rename this file."
ABS_TEXT = " Please don't be selfish."
UPGRADE_TEXT = "<b>👉 Create own Clone Bot.. </b> /help for Details"
FORMAT_SELECTION = "Select the desired format: <a href='{}'>file size might be approximate</a> \nIf you want to set custom thumbnail, send photo before or quickly after tapping on any of the below buttons.\nYou can use /deletethumbnail to delete the auto-generated thumbnail."
SET_CUSTOM_USERNAME_PASSWORD = """If you want to download premium videos, provide in the following format:
By: @All_Url_DownloaderBot ."""
RENAME_403_ERR = "Kechirasiz. Faylni nomlash uchun sizda etarli ruxsat yo'q"
ABS_TEXT = " Iltimos, xudbinlik qilmang"
UPGRADE_TEXT = "@All_Url_DownloaderBot <a href=''> To'lovlar </a> \nTo'lovni to'lagandan so'ng, siz to'lovning skrinshotini @SalomovAsliddin_2oo4 yoki @SalomovAsliddinga yuborishingiz kerak."
FORMAT_SELECTION = "Istagan formatingizni tanlang: <a href='{}'>fayl hajmi </a> \nAgar siz maxsus eskiz o'rnatmoqchi bo'lsangiz, quyidagi tugmalardan birini bosishdan oldin yoki keyin rasm yuboring."
SET_CUSTOM_USERNAME_PASSWORD = """File formatini tanlang:
URL | filename | username | password"""
NOYES_URL = "@robot URL detected. Please use and get me a fast URL so that I can upload to Telegram, without me slowing down for other users."
DOWNLOAD_START = "trying to download"
UPLOAD_START = "trying to upload"
RCHD_BOT_API_LIMIT = "size greater than maximum allowed size (50MB). Neverthless, trying to upload."
RCHD_TG_API_LIMIT = "Downloaded in {} seconds.\nDetected File Size: {}\nSorry. But, I cannot upload files greater than 1.5GB due to Telegram API limitations."
AFTER_SUCCESSFUL_UPLOAD_MSG = "Please rate me if you find me useful. Join : @TGBotsZ"
AFTER_SUCCESSFUL_UPLOAD_MSG_WITH_TS = "Downloaded in {} seconds. \nJoin : @TGBotsZ \nUploaded in {} seconds."
NOT_AUTH_USER_TEXT = "Please /upgrade your subscription."
NOT_AUTH_USER_TEXT_FILE_SIZE = "Detected File Size: {}. Free Users can only upload: {}\nPlease /upgrade your subscription.\nIf you think this is a bug, please contact <a href=''>@SpEcHlDe</a>"
NOYES_URL = "@All_Url_DownloaderBot URL manzili aniqlandi. Iltimos, xizmatni buzmang!"
DOWNLOAD_START = "Server yuklanmoqda..."
UPLOAD_START = "Telegram yuklanmoqda..."
RCHD_BOT_API_LIMIT = "Ruxsat etilgan maksimal hajmdan kattaroq (50MB) Biroq, Biz uni o'rnatishga harakat qilyapmiz."
RCHD_TG_API_LIMIT = "Serverga {} sekunda yuklandi. \nFile hajmi: {}\nUzur. Ammo Telegramga max 1.5 GB fayl yuklash imkoni mavjud."
AFTER_SUCCESSFUL_UPLOAD_MSG = "Iltimos, menga foydali deb baho bering. "
AFTER_SUCCESSFUL_UPLOAD_MSG_WITH_TS = "Server yuklash {} sekundda. \nA'zo bo'ling : @SalomovAsliddin \nTelegramga yuklash {} sekund."
NOT_AUTH_USER_TEXT = "Iltimos, /upgrade buyrug'i yordamida obunangizni yangilang."
NOT_AUTH_USER_TEXT_FILE_SIZE = "Aniqlangan fayl hajmi: {}. Bepul foydalanuvchilar faqat yuklashi mumkin: {} \n Iltimos, /upgrade buyrug'i yordamida obunani yangilang. \n Botda xato topsangiz, bu erda men bilan bog'lanishingiz mumkin <a href=''> @SalomovAsliddin </a>"
SAVED_CUSTOM_THUMB_NAIL = "Custom video / file thumbnail saved. This image will be used in the video / file."
DEL_ETED_CUSTOM_THUMB_NAIL = "✅ Custom thumbnail cleared succesfully."
FF_MPEG_DEL_ETED_CUSTOM_MEDIA = "✅ Media cleared succesfully."
SAVED_RECVD_DOC_FILE = "Document Downloaded Successfully."
DEL_ETED_CUSTOM_THUMB_NAIL = "✅ Maxsus eskiz muvaffaqiyatli o'chirildi."
FF_MPEG_DEL_ETED_CUSTOM_MEDIA = "✅ Media tozalandi"
SAVED_RECVD_DOC_FILE = "Hujjat muvaffaqiyatli yuklandi."
NO_CUSTOM_THUMB_NAIL_FOUND = "No Custom ThumbNail found."
NO_VOID_FORMAT_FOUND = "ERROR...\n<b>YouTubeDL</b> said: {}"
NO_CUSTOM_THUMB_NAIL_FOUND = "Maxsus eskiz topilmadi."
NO_VOID_FORMAT_FOUND = "ERROR...\n<b>Havola berkitilgan</b>: {}"
USER_ADDED_TO_DB = "User <a href='tg://user?id={}'>{}</a> added to {} till {}."
CURENT_PLAN_DETAILS = """Current plan details
Telegram ID: <code>{}</code>
Plan name: Free Cloned User
Expires on: 31/12/2020"""
HELP_USER = """Hai am URL Uploader bot..
Loyiha nomi: Tezkor Bot
Expires on: 01/10/2021"""
HELP_USER = """Salom sizga yordam berishga tayyormiz:

1. Send url (Link|New Name with Extension).
2. Send Custom Thumbnail (Optional).
3. Select the button.
1. File/video url ni yuboring...
2. Tugmalardan foydalanib birini tanlang...
3. Tugmalar:
SVideo - Give File as video with Screenshots
DFile - Give File with Screenshots
Video - Give File as video without Screenshots
DFile - Give File without Screenshots

<b>👉 Create own Clone Bot :</b> 👉 <a href="">Diploy</a>

Send /me to know current plan details

Support Group : @InFoTelGroup
© @TGBotsZ"""
Support Group : @SalomovAsliddin_2004
By: @SalomovAsliddin"""
REPLY_TO_DOC_GET_LINK = "Reply to a Telegram media to get High Speed Direct Download Link"
REPLY_TO_DOC_FOR_C2V = "Reply to a Telegram media to convert"
REPLY_TO_DOC_FOR_SCSS = "Reply to a Telegram media to get screenshots"
REPLY_TO_DOC_FOR_RENAME_FILE = "Reply to a Telegram media to /rename with custom thumbnail support"
AFTER_GET_DL_LINK = "Direct Link <a href='{}'>Generated</a> valid for {} days.\n© @AnyDLBot"
AFTER_GET_DL_LINK = "Direct Link <a href='{}'>Generated</a> valid for {} days.\n @All_Url_DownloaderBot"
FF_MPEG_RO_BOT_RE_SURRECT_ED = """Syntax: /trim HH:MM:SS [HH:MM:SS]"""
FF_MPEG_RO_BOT_STEP_TWO_TO_ONE = "First send /downloadmedia to any media so that it can be downloaded to my local. \nSend /storageinfo to know the media, that is currently downloaded."
FF_MPEG_RO_BOT_STOR_AGE_INFO = "Video Duration: {}\nSend /clearffmpegmedia to delete this media, from my storage.\nSend /trim HH:MM:SS [HH:MM:SS] to cu[l]t a small photo / video, from the above media."
Expand All @@ -68,15 +64,15 @@ class Translation(object):
ERR_ONLY_TWO_MEDIA_IN_ALBUM = "Media Album should contain only two photos. Please re-send the media album, and then try again, or send only two photos in an album."
INVALID_UPLOAD_BOT_URL_FORMAT = "URL format is incorrect. make sure your url starts with either http:// or https://. You can set custom file name using the format link | file_name.extension"
ABUSIVE_USERS = "You are not allowed to use this bot. If you think this is a mistake, please check /me to remove this restriction."
FF_MPEG_RO_BOT_AD_VER_TISE_MENT = "@SalomovAsliddin"
EXTRACT_ZIP_INTRO_ONE = "Send a compressed file first, Then reply /unzip command to the file."
EXTRACT_ZIP_INTRO_THREE = "Analyzing received file. ⚠️ This might take some time. Please be patient. "
EXTRACT_ZIP_ERRS_OCCURED = "Sorry. Errors occurred while processing compressed file. Please check everything again twice, and if the issue persists, report this to <a href=''>@SpEcHlDe</a>"
EXTRACT_ZIP_STEP_TWO = """Select file_name to upload from the below options.
You can use /rename command after receiving file to rename it with custom thumbnail support."""
CANCEL_STR = "Process Cancelled"
ZIP_UPLOADED_STR = "Uploaded {} files in {} seconds"
ZIP_UPLOADED_STR = "Server yuklangan {} file {} sekunt."
FREE_USER_LIMIT_Q_SZE = """Cannot Process.
Free users only 1 request per 30 minutes.
/upgrade or Try 1800 seconds later."""
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