Welcome to the Telegram File Storing Bot! This bot allows you to easily store and share files on Telegram.
: Start the bot and get a welcome message./help
: Display help information and list available commands.- Admin Commands:
: Perform batch operations./link
: Generate file sharing links./stats
: View bot statistics./broadcast
: Send a broadcast message.
- Bot Name: Tg File Storing Bot
- Bot Username: @tgfilestoringbot
- Network: Tg Bots Network
- Credits:
- File Sharing Bot
- Pyrogram
- Python
- Nobitha developed of sql database and reworked this repo.
You can deploy this bot to Heroku using the following button:
$ git clone https://github.com/TG-BOTSNETWORK/tgfilestorebot.git
$ cd tgfilestorebot
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ cp sample.env .env
$ python3 -m plugins