The FOLIO module Module Descriptor Registry (MDR) provides a listing of generated module descriptors.
The MDR is intended to be accessed directly by FOLIO instances for determining what module is available to enable.
MDR is a simple, static, implementation of the OKAPI module that is hosted on GitHub Pages. Only static Module Descriptor JSON files are served.
The MDR GitHub Pages may be found at
The Module Descriptors for each release are found within the release/
This repository provides additional scripts that may help facilitate the generation of the Module Descriptors.
The Populate Release script helps automate building a list of module versions based on a specific flower release. This release is then used to fetch all of the available module descriptors from an upstream source, such as those found on the FOLIO Registry.
This script is designed to accept environment variables, thereby allowing for easier integration with automation tools such as Docker.
Direct command line use is also supported to allow for individuals to manually execute. Most settings, however, are either done via environment variables or by manually toggling the variables within the script.
The flower release name in relation to its release date designation (which maps to the tag name) can be found on the FOLIO Project wiki in the Flower Release Names page.
View the documentation within the
script for further details on how to operate this script.
Example usage:
bash script/ R1-2024-csp-9 quesnelia
Make sure to manually delete any already downloaded JSON files to avoid accidentally including the wrong dependencies for some flower release when executing this script for multiple flower releases.