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RAVEN Model Structure

Eduard Kerkhoven edited this page Jul 9, 2023 · 5 revisions

The Specification of the RAVEN Model Structure

In order to successfully run RAVEN functions, the model must contain the fields as shown in the table below. Mandatory fields are written in bold. Note that the RAVEN structure is different from COBRA. Use ravenCobraWrapper to interconvert between RAVEN and COBRA structures.

Field name Subfield name Data type Description Example Comments
id String Model ID iAL1006 If missing during the model export, it is exported as 'blankID'
name String Model name Penicillium chrysogenum genome-scale model If missing during the model export, it is exported as 'blankName'
version String Model version 1.3.2 Not (yet) stored & retrieved from SBML
date String Date model file was written 2021-04-08 Not (yet) stored & retrieved from SBML
annotation Struct Additional information about the model
defaultLB Double Default lower bound values for reactions -1000 This value is used only if lower bound and upper bound values are not defined
defaultUB Double Default upper bound values for reactions 1000 This value is used only if lower bound and upper bound values are not defined
givenName String The name of the main model author Rasmus
familyName String The surname of the main model author Agren
authors String List of authors / contributors Jonathan Robinson, Hao Wang, Pierre-Etienne Cholley, Pinar Kocabas Not (yet) stored & retrieved from SBML
email String An e-mail address of the main model author
organization String The organization of the main model author Chalmers University of Technology
taxonomy String The taxonomy ID for the target species taxonomy/5076
note String Additional comments about the model This is a reconstruction of the biochemical network of the filamentous fungi Penicillium chrysogenum
sourceUrl String Link to the repository where the model is maintained Not (yet) stored & retrieved from SBML
rxns Column Cell Array of Strings Reaction IDs r0003
mets Column Cell Array of Strings Metabolite IDs LLACb
S Sparse or Full Matrix of Double Stoichiometric (S) matrix
lb Column Vector of Doubles Reaction lower bounds -1000
ub Column Vector of Doubles Reaction upper bounds 1000
rev Column Vector of Doubles Reaction reversibility vector (1-reversible, 0-irreversible) 1
c Column Vector of Doubles Coefficients for objective function
b Column Vector of Doubles Equality constraints for metabolite equations
comps Column Cell Array of Strings Compartment IDs p
compNames Column Cell Array of Strings Compartment names Peroxisome
compOutside Column Cell Array of Strings Compartment ID for compartment surrounding each of the compartments c
compMiriams Struct Structure with MIRIAM information about the compartments If there are multiple miriams, name indexes must match value indexes
name Column Cell Array of Strings The name of MIRIAM prefix go
value Column Cell Array of Strings The ID for particular MIRIAM entry GO:0005777
rxnNames Column Cell Array of Strings Reaction description D-glucose 1-epimerase
rxnComps Column Vector of Doubles Reaction compartments 1 Shows the index of affiliated compartment in comps, not the compartment abbreviation
grRules Column Cell Array of Strings The name of MIRIAM prefix (Pc20g08410 or Pc20g09570 or Pc13g14400)
rxnGeneMat Sparse or Full Matrix of Double Reaction-to-gene mapping in sparse matrix form
subSystems Column Struct of Cell Array of Strings Subsystem names for each reaction Glycolysis / Gluconeogenesis
eccodes Column Cell Array of Strings EC-codes for the reactions
rxnMiriams Struct Structure with MIRIAM information about the reactions If there are multiple miriams, name indexes must match value indexes
name Column Cell Array of Strings The name of MIRIAM prefix kegg.reaction
value Column Cell Array of Strings The ID for particular MIRIAM entry R01602
rxnNotes Column Cell Array of Strings Notes for each reaction Was added during manual curation
rxnReferences Column Cell Array of Strings Non-PubMed references for each reaction Agren et al 2013 Non-Pubmed references should be written here. PubMed references should be included in rxnMiriams instead
rxnConfidenceScores Column Vector of Doubles Confidence scores for each reaction (5 - best, 1 - worst) 3
rxnDeltaG Column Vector of Doubles Gibbs free energy under biochemical standard conditions -24 In kJ/mol. Unknown Gibbs free energies must be set as NaN
genes Column Cell Array of Strings List of all genes
geneComps Column Cell Array of Strings Compartments for genes 1 This information is required for SBML Level 1-2, not for SBML Level 3
geneMiriams Struct Structure with MIRIAM information about the genes If there are multiple miriams, name indexes must match value indexes
name Column Cell Array of Strings The name of MIRIAM prefix uniprot
value Column Cell Array of Strings The ID for particular MIRIAM entry P12345
geneShortNames Column Cell Array of Strings Gene alternative names (e.g. ERG10) ERG10
metNames Column Cell Array of Strings Metabolite names alpha-D-glucose
metComps Column Vector of Doubles Compartments for metabolites 1 Shows the index of affiliated compartment in comps, not the compartment abbreviation
inchis Column Cell Array of Strings InChI-codes for metabolites 1/C6H12O6/c7-1-2-3(8)4(9)5(10)6(11)12-2/h2-11H,1H2/t2-,3-,4+,5-,6+/m1/s1
metFormulas Column Cell Array of Strings Chemical formulas for metabolites C6H12O6
metMiriams Struct Structure with MIRIAM information about the metabolites If there are multiple miriams, name indexes must match value indexes
name Column Cell Array of Strings The name of MIRIAM prefix kegg.compound
value Column Cell Array of Strings The ID for particular MIRIAM entry C00267
metCharges Column Vector of Doubles Charge information for metabolites 0 Unknown charges must be set as NaN
metDeltaG Column Vector of Doubles Gibbs free energy of formation under biochemical standard conditions -5 In kJ/mol. Unknown Gibbs free energies must be set as NaN
unconstrained Column Vector of Doubles Binary vector, positive for exchange (boundary) metabolites 0 This field is removed if boundary metabolites are deleted during the model import
rxnFrom Column Cell Array of Strings The name of template model from which particular reaction was taken iTO977 This field is needed during the models merging procedure