is a Python library that serves to help streamline reindexing data from one OpenSearch
index to another using either the native OpenSearch Reindex API or Python, the OpenSearch Scroll API and Bulk inserts.
- Native OpenSearch Reindex API and Python based reindexing using OpenSearch Scroll API
- Migrate data from one index to another in the same cluster
- Migrate data from one index to another in a different cluster
- Migration history
- Run multiple migrations one after another
- Transform documents using native OpenSearch Reindex API or Python using Scoll API and Bulk inserts
- Source indices/data is never modified or removed
pip install opensearch-reindexer
poetry add opensearch-reindexer
reindexer init
You only need to configure destination_client
if you are migrating data from one cluster to another.
reindexer init-index
This will use your source_client
to create a new index named 'reindexer_version' and insert a new document specifying the revision version.
{"versionNum": 0}
. reindexer_version
is used to keep track of which revisions have been run.
When reindexing from one cluster to another, migrations should be run first (step 8) before initializing the destination cluster with:
reindexer init-index
Two revision types are supported, painless
which uses the native OpenSearch Reindex API, and python
which using
the OpenSearch Scroll API and Bulk inserts. painless
revisions are recommended as they are more performant than
revisions. You don't have to use one or the other; ./migrations/versions/
can contain a combination of
both painless
and python
reindexer revision 'my revision name'
reindexer revision 'my revision name' --language python
This will create a new revision file in ./migrations/versions
- revision files should not be removed and their names should not be changed once created.
are referenced for each revision. You can modify them if you find yourself making the same changes to revision files.
Navigate to your revision file ./migrations/versions/
Modify source
and destination
, you can optionally set DESTINATION_MAPPINGS
Note: If you only want to create the index, set the source index to None
e.g. "source": {"index": "reindexer_revision_1"},
To transform data as data is reindexed, you can use
painless scripts. For example, the following will convert data in field "c" from an object to a JSON string
before inserting it into index destination
"source": {"index": "reindexer_revision_1"},
"dest": {"index": "reindexer_revision_2"},
"script": {
"lang": "painless",
"source": """
def jsonString = '{';
int counter = 1;
int size = ctx._source.c.size();
for (def entry : ctx._source.c.entrySet()) {
jsonString += '"'+entry.getKey()+'":'+'"'+entry.getValue()+'"';
if (counter != size) {
jsonString += ',';
jsonString += '}';
ctx._source.c = jsonString;
For more information on REINDEX_BODY
, you can optionally set DESTINATION_MAPPINGS
Note: If you only want to create the index, set the source index to None
e.g. "source": {"index": "reindexer_revision_1"},
To modify documents as they are being re-indexed to the destination index, update def transform_document
. For example:
class Migration(BaseMigration):
def transform_document(self, doc: dict) -> dict:
# Modify this method to transform each document before being inserted into destination index.
import json
doc['c'] = json.dumps(doc['c'])
return doc
reindexer list
reindexer run
Note: When reindexer run
is executed, it will compare revision versions in ./migrations/versions/...
to the version number in reindexer_version
index of the source cluster.
All revisions that have not been run will be run one after another.
To start using OpenSearch reindexer
, simply follow the steps outlined in the getting started guide.
OpenSearch reindexer
compares the remote version in the reindexer_version
index on your OpenSearch cluster to your local version.
Any versions that have not been executed will be executed one after another.
Create a revision for each index and follow the same steps as you would for a single index.
To migrate to OpenSearch reindexer
, follow steps 1-6 in the getting started guide, repeating steps 5 and 6 for each
index. Set the source index to None during step 6 to create the destination index if it doesn't exist, or if it already
exists, proceed to the next revision.
If the reindexer_version
index on the OpenSearch cluster is up-to-date, running reindexer run
won't do anything.
However, if the OpenSearch cluster hasn't been initialized, run reindexer init-index
followed by reindexer run
create and initialize the reindexer_version
index and run all migrations.
Follow the same steps for reindexing data to the same cluster, but update the "destination_client" in ./migrations/
Once you have reindexed all indices from one cluster to another, update the source and destination clients.