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Leaflet Environmental Layers

Build Status npm version js-standard-style Code of Conduct License: GPL v3 Bower Version

Use cases

The library is integrated to following places


The information of each layer can be found here:


Layer Name Color
Wisconsin Non-Metal N/A
FracTracker_mobile N/A
PurpleAirLayer-HeatMap #8b0000
PurpleAirLayer-Markers #800080
SkyTruth #ff0000
Fractracker #ffff00
PFASTracker #00ff00
ToxicRelease #008000
OdorReport #ff00ff
MapKnitter #D50039
OpenInfraMap_Power #ffc0cb
OpenInfraMap_Telecom #0000ff
OpenInfraMap_Petroleum #a52a2a
OpenInfraMap_Water #4B0082
Justicemap_income #006400
JusticeMap_americanIndian #800000
JusticeMap_asian #ffa500
JusticeMap_black #FFD700
JusticeMap_multi #ffc0cb
JusticeMap_hispanic #DCDCDC
JusticeMap_nonWhite #808080
JusticeMap_white #a52a2a
JusticeMap_plurality #800000
Clouds #80dfff
clouds (classic) #b3f0ff
precipitation #00ff55
precipitation (classic) #00008b
rain #8080ff
rain (classic) #1a1aff
snow #80ffe5
pressure #e62e00
pressure contour (zoom in) #ff3300
temp #ff3300
wind #00008b
Cities (zoom in) #b3ffff
windrose (zoom in) #008000
Indigenous Lands Territories #000000
Indigenous Lands Languages #000000
Indigenous Lands Treaties #000000
Air Quality Index #000000
Open AQ #000000
Luftdaten Layer #000000
OpenSense N/A
Landfills, Mines, Quarries N/A

Quick Setup :

Installation Instructions:

  1. Clone this repository to your local environment.
  2. Run npm install to install all the necessary packages required.
  3. Open examples/index.html in your browser to look at the preview of the library.

Instructions for a developer:

  1. Install grunt -
  2. Make the changes you are working on in respective /src files.
  3. Run grunt build to generate files in the /dist directory.
  4. Run grunt jasmine to run tests on the LEL layers and ensure they pass.
  5. Test your changes on a browser by opening examples/index.html.

Demo :

Checkout this demo :

Features :

Zoom or Pan

Click and drag the map to pan it.

Change the Base Map and Overlay layers

Use the button on right-most corner to change the way the background of the map looks .

See More Data

Toggle certain layers on and off using the Layers button in the toolbar .

Click on a Point

Click on a point or marker on the map to learn more about it .

Add a legend

In src/legendCreation.js, add addLayerNameURLPair(layer_var, "img_url");, where layer_var is consistent with the variable used in example/index.html and img_url is the source of the image to be used as the legend.

Spreadsheet-based layers

We can source locations from a spreadsheet in a format like this:

Title Latitude Longitude Notes
First 29.671282 -95.17829 The first marker
Second 29.760371 -95.504828 The second marker
Third 29.917755 -95.283494 The third marker

The layer is constructed like this:

var layer = L.SpreadsheetLayer({
  url: '', // String url of data sheet
  lat: 'Latitude', // name of latitude column
  lon: 'Longitude', // name of longitude column
  columns: ['Title', 'Notes'], // Array of column names to be used
  generatePopup: function() {
    // function used to create content of popups
  // imageOptions: // optional, defaults to blank
  // sheetNum: // optional, defaults to 0 (first sheet)

Read more here:

We're going to try spinning this out into its own library; see: publiclab#121

Dependencies :

General (required for all layers) :

       <script src="../dist/LeafletEnvironmentalLayers.js"></script>
       <link href="../node_modules/leaflet/dist/leaflet.css" rel="stylesheet">
   <script src="../node_modules/leaflet-spin/example/spin/dist/spin.min.js"></script>  <!-- Compulsory to add -->
   <script src="../node_modules/leaflet-spin/example/leaflet.spin.min.js"></script>

To use Wind Rose Layer :

        <script src="../src/windRoseLayer.js"></script>
        <link href="../dist/LeafletEnvironmentalLayers.css" rel="stylesheet">

To use Wisconsin Non-Metallic Layer :

        <script src=""></script>
        <script src=""></script>

          var Wisconsin_NM = wisconsinLayer(map) ;

To use Fractracker Mobile Layer :

  • Same dependencies as of wisconsin Non-Metallic Layer .

            var FracTracker_mobile = fracTrackerMobileLayer(map) ;

To use Purple Layer :

		<script src="../node_modules/heatmap.js/build/heatmap.min.js"></script>
		<script src="../node_modules/leaflet-heatmap/leaflet-heatmap.js"></script>

Real Time Layers :

1.) city (by openWeather)

    var city = L.OWM.current({intervall: 15, minZoom: 3});

2.) WindRose (by openWeather)

    var windrose = L.OWM.current({intervall: 15, minZoom: 3, markerFunction: myWindroseMarker, popup: false, clusterSize:       50,imageLoadingBgUrl: '' });
windrose.on('owmlayeradd', windroseAdded, windrose);

Open Infra Map :

OpenInfraMap_Power Layer :
var OpenInfraMap_Power = L.tileLayer('https://tiles-{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png',{
    maxZoom: 18,
    attribution: '&copy; <a href="">OpenStreetMap</a>, <a href="">About OpenInfraMap</a>'
OpenInfraMap_Petroleum Layer :
var OpenInfraMap_Petroleum = L.tileLayer('https://tiles-{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {
  maxZoom: 18,
  attribution: '&copy; <a href="">OpenStreetMap</a>, <a href="">About OpenInfraMap</a>'
OpenInfraMap_Telecom Layer :
var OpenInfraMap_Telecom = L.tileLayer('https://tiles-{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {
  maxZoom: 18,
  attribution: '&copy; <a href="">OpenStreetMap</a>, <a href="">About OpenInfraMap</a>'
OpenInfraMap_Water Layer :
var OpenInfraMap_Water = L.tileLayer('https://tiles-{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png',{
  maxZoom: 18,
  attribution: '&copy; <a href="">OpenStreetMap</a>, <a href="">About OpenInfraMap</a>'

Add Leaflet-FullHash for easy sharing of map :

Steps To add :

1.) Add link :

<script src="../node_modules/leaflet-fullhash/leaflet-fullHash.js"></script>

2.) Once you have initialized the map (an instance of L.Map), add the following code :

// Assuming your map instance is in a variable called map
var hash = new L.Hash(map);    

Add all LEL Layers at once:


Add all layers except some layers:

        exclude: ['mapknitter', 'clouds'],

Add some layers only:

        include: ['mapknitter', 'clouds'],

Turn on Leaflet Hash in the URL:

        exclude: ['mapknitter', 'clouds'],
    hash: true,             // by default this is FALSE


Collection of different environmental map layers in an easy to use Leaflet library



Code of conduct





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  • HTML 32.7%
  • CSS 0.4%