This is a Mail Sending Server that enables to send mails through server. It is made using Nodejs (packages used are express and nodemailer).
A simple server that enables to send mails through. The application is made using Express server, nodemailer and ethereal email.
Since this is an example project, I'd encourage you to clone and rename this project to use for your purposes. It's a good starter boilerplate.
- Clone or download the repository to your local machine.
- Then run the following command in terminal in to install the packages used:
- npm i express
- npm i nodemailer
- To start the project run the following command in terminal:
- node index.js
- You can modify the sender's and receiver's mail detail by editing it in the main.js file present under controllers folder.
- Explore the code by opening the file in a text editor and following the comments.
A short video demo of the complete project:
The deployed link of the project:
Contributions are always welcome! Please submit an issue using the issue tab above if you have feedback or improvement suggestions. I would appreciate it if you could submit a pull request with a fix.