Management system which maintains all details of a residential township. Where the residents own a flat or row-house. Owners may be living here or tenants are residing recently. Also, the visitor details visiting the entire township will be maintained here
- Store details of owners and tenants living in flat or row house
- Reception desk at entrance where we can find all required valid information
- Reception desk will have employees to serve you
- Every visitor such as delivery person, guest, owner of house visiting his tenants, etc. entry must be made at the time of every visit
- Any visitor visiting must give his/her Pan Number, name, phone number, etc
- Before adding a visitor check if the visitor details already exist
Main Menu
- Admin
- Receptionist
- Login
- Add, Delete or Modify Owner Details
- Add or Delete Tenant Details
- Add, Delete or Modify Receptionist Details
- Login
- List, Add or Modify Visitor Details
- List Owner Details
- List Tenant Details