- Install kernel headers for your oS
- Ubuntu/Debian
apt install linux-headers-$(uname -r)
- CentOS/RHEL 7
yum install kernel-devel yum install kernel-headers
- CentOS/RHEL8
dnf install kernel-devel dnf install kernel-headers
- Raspbian
apt-get install raspberrypi-kernel-headers
- Load the industrialio
modprobe industrialio
- Get the code
gh repo clone DreadlordGG/LPS25HB-driver
- Make the driver
- Load the driver
insmod lps25hb.ko
- Instantiate device
echo lps25hb 0x5d > /sys/bus/i2c/devices/<i2c bus>/new_device # ex. echo lps25hb 0x5d > /sys/bus/i2c/devices/i2c-1/new_device
- Read the raw temperature, temperature offset and temperature scale
cat /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio\:device0/in_temp_raw /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio\:device0/in_temp_offset /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio\:device0/in_temp_scale
- To get the temperature in C the formula is:
(int_temp_raw / int_temp_scale) + int_temp_offset
- To remove the driver and the device
echo 0x5d > /sys/bus/i2c/devices/<i2c bus>/delete_device rmmod lps25hb