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Tokens of Gratitude

Erik Bjäreholt edited this page Jul 30, 2019 · 3 revisions

Tokens of gratitude (also called "Thankful tokens" or "proofs of support") is an in-development feature of Thankful where creators can choose to issue tokens to their supporters. They are part of the feature wishlist and the growth plan.

These tokens could act as collectibles or shares, possibly granting them special rights like the ability to vote in polls by the creator or other rewards.


Details on how issuance would work are still being worked out. What is discussed here are just some ideas.

Non-fungible tokens

When each donation is made a NFT could be issued with the timestamp and amount of the donation. This serves as a receipt that could later be used for all kinds of different rewards.


  • Minting a non-fungible token could require significant gas, leading to significant fees.

DAICO-like qualities

One proposed quality of Tokens of gratitude could be that they are issued according to a DAICO-like mechanism (see Vitalik's post or this article) where creators can get funded with a lot of money but can only withdraw a supporter-approved budget each month. If the funders decide that the creative output is no longer satisfactory, they could choose to decrease the budget, or close the fund and get the remaining funds back.

This removes risk for supporters that creators will run away with a lot of money, but this is unlikely to be a significant risk as the creator is likely to already have produced content worthy of supporting and is unlikely to get a lot of money thrown at them with current (practically absent) incentive mechanisms.


  • A solution to a currently non-existing problem
  • How would new supporters "buy in" to the fund?
  • When would tokens be issued? When the creator claims their monthly budget or at buy-in?
  • Could this allow for being bought out or selling your stake?
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