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Forward Push Messages to Telegram Using Telegram Bots 🤖

When self-hosting a server, staying instantly informed about any events affecting it—such as script failures, backup errors, or UPS power outages—is crucial. ntfy allows you to send push notifications to various devices effortlessly via simple HTTP POST requests.

Receiving messages directly on Telegram is convenient and straightforward. Many people already use it as a notification system for their scripts, and it’s one less app to install.

This application is inspired by ntfy-sh-listener, extending it and adding more features. provides its own Android application for receiving push notifications. However, the app continuously polls the notification server to retrieve messages, which can significantly drain the battery. Additionally, if we self-host an ntfy server and keep it inaccessible from outside our home network, the ntfy Android app cannot receive messages. It's possible to use Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) for this purpose, but in the case of self-hosting, we must manually recompile the application by following this guide.

Setup with Docker 🐳

Pull the image using

$ docker pull

Run the image in docker using

$ docker run -d \
    --restart always \
    -e NTFY_SERVER_ADDRESS="<ntfy-server-ip:port>" \
    -e NTFY_TOPIC="<your-topic>" \
    -e TG_CHAT_ID="<telegram-chat-id>" \
    -e TG_BOT_TOKEN="<telegram-bot-token>" \
    --name ntfy2telegram \

or with docker compose by creating a compose.yaml file:

    image: ""
    restart: always

    # define env variables directly in the compose file
      - NTFY_SERVER_ADDRESS="<ntfy-server-ip:port>"
      - NTFY_TOPIC="<your-topic>"
      - TG_CHAT_ID="<telegram-chat-id>"
      - TG_BOT_TOKEN="<telegram-bot-token>"
      # ... more variables

    # store env variables in a separate .env file (recommended for secrets)
      - .env

Note: If you intend to use Portainer remember to substitute .env with stack.env.

Manual install 🛠️

This application is intended to be used with Docker but you can use it directly on your machine by building it by hand.

Download or clone the repository via git:

$ git clone
$ cd ntfy2telegram

Export the environment variables then run the application with

$ python

If you intend in running this application permanently you should export the environment variables into your .*rc file and create a systemd service that runs on boot.

Environment Variables 🌐

Variable Required Default Description
LOG_LEVEL No INFO Control the log level of the application. Should be one of NOTSET, DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL.
NTFY_WS_PROTOCOL No ws The websocket protocol to use for the connection. Can be either ws or wss (recommended wss).
NTFY_SERVER_ADDRESS Yes - Address of the NTFY server. Can be a pair ip:port or a dns name. Example or
NTFY_TOPIC Yes - Comma-separated list of NTFY topic to listen for messages. Example topic1,topic2,topic3.
NTFY_USERNAME No - Username of an existing ntfy user if the server has Access Control List (ACL) enabled. More details.
NTFY_PASSWORD No - Password of an existing user if ACL is enabled. As stated in here the Basic Authorization takes a base64 encoded string with ":". If you specify both NTFY_USERNAME and NTFY_PASSWORD we will encode the string for you; otherwise you can create it yourself and pass it to NTFY_PASSWORD without setting NTFY_USERNAME. Remember that the string is only base64 encoded and it is not encrypted.
NTFY_TOKEN No - NTFY access token if ACL is enabled. Use this instead of NTFY_USERNAME and NTFY_PASSWORD for added security.
NTFY_INCLUDE_TOPIC No False If set to True will include the name of the topic with every message sent to telegram. This is useful to distinguish between different topics sent to the same chat.
NTFY_INCLUDE_PRIORITY No False If set to True will include an emoji representing the message priority on every message sent to telegram.
TG_BOT_TOKEN Yes - Token for the telegram bot.
TG_CHAT_ID Yes - Telegram Chat ID. Follow this guide to obtain your token and chat id.

Supported messages 🔔

When sending a message to a ntfy topic different elements can be passed along. The list below shows all the message fields supported by the application

  • Message title
  • Tags & Emojis (the tags matching the emoji code list are converted into emojis)
  • Markdown formatting
  • Click action


  • Listen for multiple topics at the same time.
  • Report the topic along with the message (useful when there are more topics sent to the same bot).
  • Handle message priority with an icon like NTFY app.
  • Handle message attachments.
  • Handle message actions.
  • Handle icons.


Forward push notification to Telegram







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