Simple WiFi devices typically don't support enterprise level WiFi authentication, which means they all share a single password. If an IoT device is compromised, the password can be exposed and changing the password on many devices is painful.
This project aims to create a WiFi access point that supports personal pre-shared keys (PPSK) so that each device can be given its own password. Access privileges for any device can then be revoked without requiring changes to any other device.
More information is available at:
The "Hardware" directory contains the PCB design as an EAGLE project.
The enclosure is model AK-NW-40 from SZOMK:
- Jonathan Oxer
- Tony Smith
- Austin's Creations
- All the folks watching and commenting on the streams!
Copyright 2020-2022 SuperHouse Automation Pty Ltd
The hardware portion of this project is licensed under the TAPR Open Hardware License ( The "license" folder within this repository contains a copy of this license in plain text format.
The software portion of this project is licensed under the Simplified BSD License. The "licence" folder within this project contains a copy of this license in plain text format.