Exhaust-MA is a highly optimized Redcode simulator. Py-Exhaust-MA is the python bindings for Exhaust-MA.
Use pip to install Py-Exhaust-MA.
pip install exhaust-ma
from exhaust_ma import Warrior, Core, CoreSettings
jaguar = "jaguar.rc"
imp = "imp.rc"
cs = CoreSettings()
w1 = Warrior.from_filename(cs, jaguar)
w2 = Warrior.from_filename(cs, imp)
c = Core(cs)
c.load_warriors([w1, w2])
Exhaust-MA includes a set of warriors which you can access using setuptools pkg_resources:
from pkg_resources import resource_filename
jaguar = resource_filename("exhaust_ma", "exhaust-ma/jaguar.rc")
A full list of included files can be found In the exhaust-MA repository.
To get going:
# Clone the git repository
git clone git@github.com:SuperDoxin/py-exhaust-ma.git
cd py-exhaust-ma
# Update the submodules. This is needed for building the exhaust-ma cffi
# library
git submodule init
git submodule update
# Create a virtual environment to prevent polluting your system python
# installation
python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
# Install requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
# Activate pre-commit hooks
pre-commit install
# Build the exhaust-ma cffi library
python exhaust_ma/build_cffi.py
At this point running
python -m exhaust_ma
Should output
BattleResult(dead=[Warrior(name='imp.rc')], alive={Warrior(name='jaguar.rc')})
If it doesn't something has gone wrong, If you need further assistance open an issue and include all the output of all the commands you have run and I'll see what I can do.
Pull requests are more than welcome. As long as you've installed the pre-commit hooks most code style issues should be checked automatically.
Updating/adding tests is appreciated but by no means a requirement for a PR to get accepted.