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Property Settings

Kenneth Hurley edited this page Jan 28, 2019 · 6 revisions

GameObject Target Settings

GameObject Target Settings Image

The Preview Game Object is the 3D Model that will be rendered in an animation pose. The prefab or GameObject in the scene should have Render Meshes in it to be rendered.

Camera Settings

Camera Settings Image

The Camera Settings include Preview Camera which is a prefab that must include a Camera Component.

If the prefab does not contain a camera component the setting will be set to the default camera included under the resources directory. It the Preview Camera is set to 'None' The preview generator will use an internal camera object.

There is also another sample Camera prefab that contains an attached PostProcessing Stack where you can render the icon with PostProcessing. Hint: If you render a sprite with the texture and the PostProcessing is attached to you in game Camera, you will get double post processing effects.

Orthographic Camera is to set the PreviewCamera Object to orthographic mode (the default). If you want to use Perspective mode just untick this checkbox.

Camera Manipulation via Keyboard input

See the Camera Manipulation page for how to move the camera with the mouse.

View Direction allows you to set the camera viewing angle with the keyboard. The object in the texture does not actually rotate, the camera rotates around the object using and ArcBall implementation.

View Up Direction allows you to set the camera's up direction with the keyboard. This allows you to view an object in 360 degree view.

Pan Offset allows you to offset the view right/left and up/down with the keyboard. This pans the camera view.

Zoom Level allows you to set the zoom level of the camera to zoom in and out on the GameObject being rendered. The orthographic zoom level is capped at 1.0 zoom up level as the image will zoom out after that threshold.

Rendered Texture Dimensions

Render Dimensions Image

Render Width is the render texture width size that is rendered in memory. (See 'The Rendered Texture' for example)

Render Height is the render texture height size that is rendered in memory

The Rendered Texture

Rendered Texture  Image

This is a sample of a texture that has been rendered with a background. The ghost monster is a 3D model I commissioned for one of my games.

The Camera Manipulation page documents how to use the mouse to manipulating the Camera Preview Settings

Background Type and Settings

Background Type and Settings Image

This section allows you to set the type of background you want to render. The options are:

Use Transparent Background - This options will set the alpha channel to all 0.0 (black) where there is no rendered pixels or 1.0 (white) where there is a rendered pixel.

Use Color Background - This option will render a color in the background including alpha.

Background Color allows you to select the background color you would like to render into the background.

Use Teture Background - This options will use a texture.

Use Background Alpha is enabled when a texture is selected. This allows the alpha of the texture to be alpha blended into the background (ex: transparent textures)

Animations Settings

Animation Settings

There are two Animation Setting that allow you to set a pose for your 3D Model.

Animation Clip allows you to select an animation clip to use for the render.

Animation Position is a slider bar that allows you to set the time inside the animation. The left value is the minimum animation time (always 0) and the right number below the slider is the max time of the animation clipe. The box to the right of the slide is to set the animation pose time with the keyboard.

When changing the Animation Position your render will update and you can slide through your animation in real time.