- This repo consists of my notes of datastructures classes taught in University of ZHEJIANG on MOOC.
- Most of the code that this branch contains will be written by C/C++.
- Record C/C++ data structure exercises.
- Summarize the learning content and put forward my own understanding.
单纯的学习数据结构本身是不够的,结合工作中实际工作项目来实践才能所学的知识融会贯通。因此我决定添加数据结构工作应用章节。在 RT-Thread 中用到了许多常用的数据结构,当我发现可以用通用双向链表来实现内核对象管理的时候,我在心底里感叹这种数据结构如此奇妙。通过阅读高质量的源码,可以提高学习效果,这是一种很棒的做法。看到一种数据结构的巧妙应用,回过头来再继续学习总结,我相信这个过程可以对提高自身的水平有很大帮助。
数据结构和 C++ 的学习从建立工程开始提交练习代码到18年6月已经有半年时间了,说真的坚持真的不容易,即使中间有曲折,无论如何我已经下决心要把这件事做到底,把这项技能掌握好。无论需要学习几遍,不管到什么时候,这件事必须要有始有终,继续加油。
- Lecture 2.1 - 抽象数据类型 ADT
- Lecture 2.2 - 表 ADT
- Lecture 2.3 - 堆栈 ADT
- Lecture 2.4 - 队列 ADT
- Lecture 2.5 - 通用链表的实现
- 01-1 Maxsubsequencesum question (C)
- 01-2 Maximum Subsequence Sum (C)
- 01-3 BinarySearch (C)
- 01-4 RecursiveProject(C++)
- 02-1 List Merge (C)
- 02-2 List mult add (C)
- 02-3 Reversing Linked List (C)
- 02-4 Pop Sequence (C++)
- 03-1 Tree isomorphism (C)
- 03-2 List Leaves (C++)
- 03-3 Tree Traversals Again (C)
- 04-4 Is Same BinarySearch Tree (C)
- 04-5 Root of AVL_Tree (C)
- 04-6 Complete Binary Search Tree (C)
- 04-7 Binarysearch tree operation set (C)
- 05-7 Heap Path (C)
- 05-8 File Transfer (C)
- 05-9 Huffman Codes (C)
本章介绍在 RT-Thread 操作系统中所使用的数据结构,研究如何使用这些常见的数据结构来实现复杂的系统功能。
All code will be marked ```Language ...code... ``` when the lecture is read in raw format. When viewed through Github and Pandoc, it will be color coded based on the language as such:
- C
#include <stdio.h> int main(void){ char * foo = "bar"; printf("%s",foo); return 0; }
- All C code is Compiled with
MinGW.org GCC-6.3.0-1
- All C code is Compiled with