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Use snapshot testing, inspired by Jest snapshot testing, to test Dash components.


Testing a long HTML component output for a Dash application is difficult. It typically requires hardcoding data or setting up a dummy database. Using snapshot tests that JSON serialize the Dash component output provide another easy testing layer to ensure that code refactors/changes do not change the output unexpectedly.

To learn more about snapshot testing in general, see a much more elaborate explanation from the Facebook Jest site

Installation and usage

$ pip install dash-snapshot-testing
import dash_html_components as html

from dash_snapshot_testing.snapshot_test import DashSnapshotTestCase

class MyUnitTestCase(DashSnapshotTestCase):
    def test_component(self):
        my_component = html.Div([html.P('wow'), html.Span('this works')], id='test-id')

        self.assertSnapshotEqual(my_component, 'my-test-unique-id')

This outputs/checks this JSON at __snapshots__/MyUnitTestCase-my-test-unique-id.json:

  "type": "Div",
  "props": {
    "id": "test-id",
    "children": [
        "type": "P",
        "props": {"children": "wow"},
        "namespace": "dash_html_components"
        "type": "Span",
        "props": {"children": "this works"},
        "namespace": "dash_html_components"
  "namespace": "dash_html_components"

Setting a custom snapshots_dir for the class

class MyOtherUnitTestCase(DashSnapshotTestCase):
    snapshots_dir = '__snapshots_2__'

    def test_component(self):
        my_component = html.Div([html.P('wow'), html.Span('another one')], id='test-id')

        self.assertSnapshotEqual(my_component, 'my-test-unique-id')

This outputs/checks this JSON at __snapshots_2__/MyOtherUnitTestCase-my-test-unique-id.json:

  "type": "Div",
  "props": {
    "id": "test-id",
    "children": [
        "type": "P",
        "props": {"children": "wow"},
        "namespace": "dash_html_components"
        "type": "Span",
        "props": {"children": "another one"},
        "namespace": "dash_html_components"
  "namespace": "dash_html_components"

Overwriting snapshots

To overwrite pre-existing snapshots, like in Jest, set an environment variable as UPDATE_DASH_SNAPSHOTS=TRUE:

# This will run and make new snapshots
> UPDATE_DASH_SNAPSHOTS=TRUE python -m unittest my_test_module
# This will run against the previous snapshots
> python -m unittest my_test_module

How this works

At its core, this unittest.TestCase compares a JSON-serialized Dash component against a previously stored JSON-serialized Dash component, and checks if the dict objects from json.loads are equivalent using assertEqual.