Release 7
Release 7
- new Float NoSlow mode
- added more settings to AntiKnockback
- added more settings for InvMove
- added "Fade in" to BreakProgress
- added more options to AntiKnockback
- added "Disable bhop" to BedAura
fixes, removals, misc
- fixed Swap autoblock being limited, should now perform as well as Interact B and against other clients
- fixed KillAura & BedAura rotations being delayed
- fixed TargetHUD excedding the bar
- Improved ClickGUI (added scroll, icons, smoothed animations & more)
- improved the scripting api (fixed creating new entity objects every call)
- fixed scaffold placing on interactable blocks
- improved scaffold block placements
- AutoSwap settings now affect Scaffold AutoSwap
- now can enable unsaved modules
- optimized & improved performance
- dead players on TargetHUD will now show up with 0 health
- fixed failing to load profiles
- fixed not sending Interact_At with Interact B & Swap
- fixed InvMove not properly disabling
- improved KillAura range check
- improved InvManager