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Steven Jenkins De Haro edited this page Feb 17, 2020 · 13 revisions

Q: What does the program do?

A: QTemplates is productivity tool that is used to inject text-based templates into any application to save you time. You can create a template that can have multiple versions of that template provided in other languages while still appearing as one template in the list. There is also a plugin system that will allow for future add-ons in the form of tools to provide new features and functionality.

Q: What are the hotkeys used by QTemplates

A: Ctrl+T opens the template selection window and Ctrl+Shift+T uses the last used template. For now, templates are copied first to the clipboard before being injected, so you can either use Ctrl+Shift+T or Ctrl+V to paste/inject a previous template where you want it. Ctrl+Shift+T is not the same as Ctrl-V, since regardless of what is in the clipboard, it will still inject the last used template.

Q: What programming language does this use?

A: The program was built using C# in Visual Studio 2017/2019 using the 4.6.1 .Net Framework. It also uses Entity Framework 6x and an SQLite database.

Q: How do I update an existing template?

A: This will be changed in the final release to make things more intuitive, but remember that each template has versions, and what you want to update is a version of that template. With that in mind, select the template you want to update from the list, click the Version tab, and finally, make the changes here and not from the Template tab. If you want to edit another language version of the template, you can select it from the list under the template list.

Q: Where are the logs located, and how are they managed?

A: Pre-release/release versions later than support structured logging. These logs can be found by going to the %appdata%\ASC-C\QTemplates\Logs folder. Here in this folder is where you will find the Application.log file with the logged entries for the current day. Logs from a previous day are dated and placed into the Archived folder located, which is located as well in the Logs folder. Logs are only kept for 7 days before being deleted.

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