Mob Attack Tool v0.1.22
This release is mostly to fix some bugs that have been around for a long time. For instance, it used to be a problem if different mob attackers had weapons with identical names. That is now fixed.
In addition, I've changed the appearance of the Mob Attack Results chat message to make it more compact. Also, only a single chat message is created that contains the results of all weapon options. Below is an example.
As you can see, that saves a lot of chat log space! The only downside is that the GIFs and screenshots I made recently are even more outdated now. 😅 I've learned a lot about Handlebars during this exercise. I might want to apply that knowledge to the other templates at a later date.
This release also includes some minor enhancements to the multiattack autodetect and autoselect features. I'm aware that the accuracy of the algorithm is pretty lackluster, but improving it is a wearisome job. I'll try to make it work best for the most common creatures that are likely to be encountered in groups.