Mean or Median Comparison for a lot of variables between two groups with formatted table output.
ttable3 varlist [if] [in], by(groupvar) [ format(%fmt) unequal welch median rowname
notitle nostar tvalue pvalue ]
The official command ttest tests that a single variable has the same mean within the two groups defined by groupvar, while another official command median do similar things for group medians. ttable3 performs ttest for a group of variables specified in varlist with formatted table output. When median is specified, it performs median test.
----+ The auto data +-----------------------------------------------------------------
* t-test
. sysuse auto,clear
. ttable3 price wei len mpg, by(foreign)
. ttable3 price wei len mpg, by(foreign) f(%8.2f)
* Median test
. ttable3 price wei len mpg, by(foreign) median
* Restrict to two-groups
. tab rep78
. ttable3 price wei len mpg if rep78==3|rep78==4, by(rep78)
* Report t-value and ommit the satrs
. ttable3 price wei len mpg, by(foreign) nostar tvalue
----+ Save in Excel or Word +--------------------------------------------------------
you can use the user-written logout command to export the results into Excel or Word:
. logout, save(Tab2_corr) excel replace: ttable3 price wei len mpg, by(foreign)
codes from ttable2 by Xuan Zhang and Chuntao Li have been incorporated for t-test. Any comments will be appreciated
- Yujun,Lian (Arlion) Department of Finance, Lingnan College, Sun Yat-Sen University.
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