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This module deploys an Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) cluster.


Examples for this module along with various configurations can be found in the examples/ folder.


Name Version
terraform >= 1.3.0, < 2.0.0
azurerm >= 3.15, < 4.0
random >= 3.0.1


Name Version
azurerm >= 3.15, < 4.0
random >= 3.0.1
tls n/a


Name Source Version
azure_resource_prefixes git:: v1.x


Name Description Type Default Required
azure_resource_attributes Attributes used to describe Azure resources
project = string
environment = string
location = optional(string, "Canada Central")
instance = number
n/a yes
default_node_pool The configuration details of the cluster's default node pool.
name = optional(string, "system")
vnet_subnet_id = string
vm_size = optional(string, "Standard_D2s_v3")
kubernetes_version = optional(string, null)
availability_zones = optional(list(string), null)
node_labels = optional(map(string), {})
node_taints = optional(list(string), [])
only_critical_addons = optional(bool, true) # Only run critical workloads (AKS managed) on the node pool when enabled

node_count = optional(number, 3) # Only used if enable_auto_scaling is set to false
enable_auto_scaling = optional(bool, false)
auto_scaling_min_nodes = optional(number, 3) # Only used if enable_auto_scaling = true
auto_scaling_max_nodes = optional(number, 5) # Only used if enable_auto_scaling = true
max_pods = optional(number, 60)
upgrade_max_surge = optional(string, "33%")

enable_host_encryption = optional(bool, false)
os_disk_size_gb = optional(number, 256)
os_disk_type = optional(string, "managed")
n/a yes
resource_group_name Name of the Resource Group where the Managed Kubernetes Cluster should exist string n/a yes
user_assigned_identity_ids User Assigned Identity IDs for use by the cluster control plane list(string) n/a yes
admin_group_object_ids A list of Azure AAD group object IDs that will receive administrative access to the cluster list(string) [] no
api_server Configuration for the cluster's API server.
authorized_ip_ranges = optional(list(string))
subnet_id = optional(string)
vnet_integration_enabled = optional(bool)
null no
auto_scaler_profile The configuration details for the cluster's auto scaler profile.
expander = optional(string, "random")
scan_interval = optional(string, "10s")

new_pod_scale_up_delay = optional(string, "10s")

scale_down_utilization_threshold = optional(number, 0.5)
scale_down_delay_after_add = optional(string, "10m")
scale_down_delay_after_delete = optional(string) // defaults to scan_interval
scale_down_delay_after_failure = optional(string, "3m")
scale_down_unneeded = optional(string, "10m")
scale_down_unready = optional(string, "20m")

max_graceful_termination_sec = optional(number, 600)
max_node_provisioning_time = optional(string, "15m")
max_unready_nodes = optional(number, 3)
max_unready_percentage = optional(number, 45)

skip_nodes_with_local_storage = optional(bool, true)
skip_nodes_with_system_pods = optional(bool, true)
balance_similar_node_groups = optional(bool, false)
empty_bulk_delete_max = optional(number, 10)
null no
automatic_channel_upgrade Automatically perform upgrades of the Kubernetes cluster (none, patch, rapid, stable) string "none" no
disk_encryption_set_id Used to encrypt the cluster's Nodes and Volumes with Customer Managed Keys. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. string null no
dns_prefix DNS prefix specified when creating the managed cluster. Possible values must begin and end with a letter or number, contain only letters, numbers, and hyphens and be between 1 and 54 characters in length. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. string null no
dns_prefix_private_cluster Specifies the DNS prefix to use with private clusters. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. string null no
dns_service_ip IP address within the Kubernetes service address range that will be used by cluster service discovery (kube-dns). Changing this forces a new resource to be created. string "" no
kubelet_identity The user-defined Managed Identity assigned to the Kubelets
client_id = string
object_id = string
user_assigned_identity_id = string
"client_id": null,
"object_id": null,
"user_assigned_identity_id": null
kubernetes_version Version of Kubernetes specified when creating the AKS managed cluster string "1.17.16" no
linux_profile_public_ssh_key The SSH public key used to connect to the cluster's Linux nodes. Changing this will update the key on all node pools. If the value is null, this module will autogenerate an SSH key to use. string null no
load_balancer The load balancer configuration arguments. The profile can't be enabled if var.outbound_type userDefinedRouting. Refer to for more details.
sku = optional(string, "standard")
profile_enabled = optional(bool, true)
profile_idle_timeout_in_minutes = optional(number, 30)
profile_managed_outbound_ip_count = optional(number)
profile_managed_outbound_ipv6_count = optional(number)
profile_outbound_ip_address_ids = optional(set(string))
profile_outbound_ip_prefix_ids = optional(set(string))
profile_outbound_ports_allocated = optional(number, 0)

"profile_enabled": false
local_account_disabled If true local accounts will be disabled. See the documentation for more information. bool true no
maintenance_window The maintenance window for the cluster. Refer to for more information.
allowed = list(object({
day = string
hours = set(number)
not_allowed = list(object({
end = string
start = string
null no
network_mode Network mode to use string "transparent" no
network_plugin Network plugin to use string "azure" no
network_policy Network policy provider to use string "azure" no
node_resource_group_name Name of the Resource Group where the Kubernetes Nodes should exist any null no
oidc_issuer Enable or Disable the OIDC issuer URL and specifies whether Azure AD Workload Identity should be enabled for the Cluster
enabled = bool
workload_identity_enabled = optional(bool, false)
"enabled": true,
"workload_identity_enabled": false
outbound_type The outbound (egress) routing method which should be used for this Kubernetes Cluster. Possible values are loadBalancer, userDefinedRouting, managedNATGateway and userAssignedNATGateway. string "userDefinedRouting" no
private_cluster_enabled Deploy a private cluster control plane. Requires private link + private DNS support. The api_server_authorized_ip_ranges option is disabled when private cluster is enabled. bool false no
private_dns_zone_id Private DNS zone id for use by private clusters. If unset, and a private cluster is requested, the DNS zone will be created and managed by AKS string null no
service_cidr The Network Range used by the Kubernetes service. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. string "" no
sku_tier SKU Tier of the cluster ("Standard" is preferred). The SKU determines the cluster's uptime SLA. Refer to for more information. string "Free" no
storage_profile The Storage Profile object to be used for the AKS Cluster
blob_driver_enabled = bool
disk_driver_enabled = bool
disk_driver_version = string
file_driver_enabled = bool
snapshot_controller_enabled = bool
"blob_driver_enabled": false,
"disk_driver_enabled": true,
"disk_driver_version": "v1",
"file_driver_enabled": true,
"snapshot_controller_enabled": true
tags Azure tags to assign to the Azure resources map(string) {} no


Name Description
admin_kubeconfig A Terraform object that contain kubeconfig info. This is only available when Role Based Access Control with Azure Active Directory is enabled and local accounts enabled.
fqdn The FQDN of the Azure Kubernetes Managed Cluster.
kubeconfig A Terraform object that contains kubeconfig info.
kubernetes_cluster_id The Kubernetes Managed Cluster ID.
kubernetes_cluster_name The name of the AKS cluster.
kubernetes_identity The managed service identity assigned to the Kubernetes cluster
kubernetes_kubelet_identity The user-defined Managed Identity assigned to the Kubelets.
linux_generated_private_ssh_key The cluster will use this generated private key when var.linux_profile_public_ssh_key is null. Private key data in PEM (RFC 1421) format.
linux_generated_public_ssh_key The cluster will use this generated public key as ssh key when var.linux_profile_public_ssh_key is empty or null.
linux_username The Admin Username for the Cluster.
node_resource_group_id The ID of the Resource Group containing the resources for this Managed Kubernetes Cluster.
node_resource_group_name The auto-generated Resource Group which contains the resources for this Managed Kubernetes Cluster.
oidc_issuer_url The OIDC issuer URL that is associated with the cluster.
windows_password The Admin Password for Windows VMs.
windows_username The Admin Username for Windows VMs.


Date Release Change
2025-01-17 v6.5.1 Fix error when no diagnostic settings are set
2025-01-15 v6.5.0 Add capability to send logs to either Storage account or Log Analytics workspace
2024-06-19 v6.4.0 Add capability to specify default node pool drain_timeout_in_minutes & node_soak_duration_in_minutes
2024-04-01 v6.3.2 Fix node taints not allowed on default node pool only only_critical_addons boolean
2024-03-19 v6.3.1 Fix maintenance_window_node_os configuration
2024-03-18 v6.3.0 Add node_os_channel_upgrade & maintenance_window_node_os configuration
2023-11-08 v6.2.0 Set default value new_pod_scale_up_delay to 0s & skip_nodes_with_local_storage to false within var.auto_scaler_profile
2023-10-10 v6.1.1 Fix temporary_name_for_rotation value
2023-10-10 v6.1.0 Encapsulate the temporary_name_for_rotation logic within default_node_pool
2023-09-25 v6.0.1 Change to main being default branch instead of v2.x and make a 2.x tag to latest 2.x ref
2023-09-20 v6.0.0 Implement standardized naming strategy
2023-09-06 v5.1.2 Implement tagging strategy for Azure resources
2023-08-24 v5.1.1 fix linux profile SSH key reference logic
2023-08-22 v5.1.0 Add kubernetes_cluster_name output
2023-08-22 v5.0.1 fix SSH key reference within cluster resource
2023-08-18 v5.0.0 modified the Terraform resource name of azurerm_kubernetes_cluster to be "this"
2023-08-18 v4.0.0 replace var.api_server_authorized_ip_ranges with var.api_server variable & add VNet Integration capability
2023-08-18 v3.0.0 renamed var.linux_profile_public_ssh_key & autogenerate SSH key if variable is null
2023-04-18 v2.7.0 added cluster kubeconfig to module outputs
2023-04-11 v2.6.0 create var.dns_prefix & var.dns_prefix_private_cluster
2023-04-05 v2.5.1 fix the default value for var.load_balancer (typo)
2023-04-05 v2.5.0 add default value for cluster's node_resource_group arugment
2023-03-30 v2.4.0 add the node_resource_group_id output
2023-03-28 v2.3.0 add the maintenance_window variable
2023-03-28 v2.2.0 add the auto_scaler_profile variable
2023-03-27 v2.1.0 refactor load balancer profile & disable it by default
2023-03-27 v2.0.1 fix the default value for var.kubelet_identity
2023-03-27 v2.0.0 remove var.docker-bridge-cidr since it has been deprecated
2023-03-17 v1.0.1 fix api_server_access_profile, load_balancer_profile & rename var.user_assigned_identity_id
2022-11-22 v1.0.0 initial commit


Terraform module for Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) cluster




Security policy



