I created this device which is called ATTEMP. It's a Attiny85 based termometer which uses Attiny 85 as processor, 7 segment display to display temperatures in °C of F, 74hc595 shift register to drive 7 segment display and pushbutton for selection of °C or F.
- [Attiny85 procesor]
- [DS18B20 temperature senzor]
- [7 Segment display - common cathode]
- [74hc595 shift register]
- [Button 6 x 6 x 5mm]
- [Smd diode]
- [45mm x 45mm pcb]
- [8x 150 ohm rezistor]
- [Wago 500 terminal]
- [1x3 female pinheader]
- [3d printed case]
- [3d printed/milled top]
- [4x M3x10mm screws]
- [Push button cap(2-2.5mm in diameter)]
- [Hotglue]
- [Soldering iron]
- [HotGlue gun]
- [Solder]
- [3d printer]
- [Mill/Engaver(optional)]