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Data Lifecycle Management for Aerospace Applications

This repository contains the code for the paper

Data Lifecycle Management in Evolving Input Distributions for Learning-based Aerospace Applications by Somrita Banerjee, Apoorva Sharma, Edward Schmerling, Max Spolaor, Michael Nemerouf, and Marco Pavone, presented at AI4Space Workshop, ECCV, 2022.

Download datasets

Visualize datasets

  • visualize_images.ipynb: a Jupyter Notebook that plots images from the datasets both in their original form and modified with added degraded pixels.
  • visualize_pose.ipynb: a Jupyter Notebook for inspecting the datasets: it plots example images, pose label is visualized by projected axes.

Train a model

Run Jupyter notebook train.ipynb.

  • Training functions are in scripts/
  • Utility functions are in scripts/
  • Model checkpoint, best model, and losses are stored in checkpoint/, best_model/, and losses/ respectively.

Apply a SCOD wrapper

Run Jupyter notebook apply_scod.ipynb.

  • SCOD is the algorithm Sketching Curvature for Out-of-Distribution Detection developed in

Sharma, Apoorva, Navid Azizan, and Marco Pavone. "Sketching curvature for efficient out-of-distribution detection for deep neural networks." Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence. PMLR, 2021.

  • SCOD code in scod/. Also available on Github.
  • Applies a SCOD wrapper to the last parameters of the trained model
  • Plots Mean Squared Error (MSE) of model predictions (predicted - true)
  • Plots SCOD uncertainty estimate
  • Shows that high SCOD uncertainty correlates with high MSE of predictions

Evaluation benchmark

Run Jupyter notebook evaluation_benchmark.ipynb.

  • Randomly selects a benchmark set of images from a configurable mix of categories
  • Loads trained model, applies SCOD wrapper
  • Compares data lifecycle performance of multiple flagging algorithms (including DS-SCOD)
  • Benchmark functions are in scripts/
  • Interface details below. Output costs and accuracies are stored in saved_data/


Interface details: eval_flaggers


  • flaggers_to_test: List of flagging algorithms to compare. Each algorithm should be defined as a lambda function that takes in a sequence x and returns a list of boolean flags with length equal to that of x. Examples:
    • Naive_false - flags none of the images, always returns false
      lambda x: [False for i in range(len(x))]
    • Naive_true - flags all of the images, always returns true
      lambda x: [True for i in range(len(x))]
    • Random with budget of 10, i.e. select 10 images from each batch randomly
      lambda x: random_flagger(x, flag_limit=10, seed=49)
    • SCOD with budget of 10, i.e. select 10 images from each batch with greatest uncertainty
      lambda x: scod_flagger(x, unc_model, flag_limit=10)
    • DS-SCOD with budget of 10, i.e. select up to 10 images from each batch that maximize information gain
      lambda x: ds_scod_flagger(x, unc_model, flag_limit=10)
  • load_model_path: Path to saved model
  • test_seq: Test images (batched or sequential)
  • labels: Ground truth labels \


  • costs: Cumulative cost of labeling (1.0 for each image labeled)
  • accs: Rolling prediction accuracy (currently evaluated as negative mse loss), averaged over each batch
  • accs_std: Standard deviation of prediction accuracy

Visualize results of evaluation benchmark

Run Jupyter notebook visualize_benchmark_results.ipynb.

  • Compare different algorithms by plotting average model performance vs. cumulative labeling cost.
  • View time-series performance on breakouts such as only space images, only earth images, etc.