- Dev server:
- Host URL: ec2-54-200-226-3.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com
- PORT: 80
curl http://ec2-54-200-226-3.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com/socket.io/socket.io.js
POST /api/emotion/
- A JSON end point used to send streaming of data
- headers: Common headers
- request(JSON)
- body(JSON):
- same as streaming object
- body(JSON):
- response(JSON)
- ok
POST /api/emotion/done/
- A JSON end point used to inform the end of streaming of data
- headers: Common headers
- request(JSON)
- body(JSON):
- None
- body(JSON):
- response(JSON)
- ok
- Connect URL: ec2-54-200-226-3.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com/emo-socket If connection succeeds, server will immediately send the event connected with the message connected
- After connection succeed, server will keep pushing the event connected with the message streaming, which is the same as the object from Android application. This server just bypasses objects from an android to a web socket client.
- Once a series of streaming events are done, server will push the event done with the message done. Any streaming events after this done events represent a new stream data.
- Install Fabric in your local machine
- Run
fab devweek rerun:<your redis secret here>
on the terminal - ???