Project Title : CartaddDelete E-commerce Application
Description : I Developed an e-commerce web application that allows users to browse products, add items to a shopping cart,Whislist and proceed with checkout. Implemented a dynamic front-end using JSP and handled database operations using JDBC to manage user data, product listings, and order details.
Role : Designed and developed the entire application, including front-end and back-end components, ensuring secure database interactions and seamless user experience.
Frontend :
- CSS3
- Javascript
Backend :
Technologies : JSP & Servlet
Database : MSSQL
Features :
- Product listing and filtering based on categories.
- Shopping cart functionality to add/remove items dynamically.
- Whishlist option for saving the products to buy later on.
- Integrated JDBC for handling SQL queries and database connections with MSSQL.
Folder Structure :
How to Run :
1.Clone the Repository :
git clone
2.Setup the Database :
- Configure an MSSQL database and run the provided SQL scripts to create necessary tables.
3.Run the Application :
- Deploy the project on a java servlet container such as Apache Tomcat.
4.Access the Application :
- Open the browser and navigate to http://localhost:8080/CartaddDelete