The project, named "EdTech Buddy," is an innovative online platform designed to assist students from classes 10 to 12 and beyond in exploring various academic courses and career paths aligned with their interests. Developed by Team Pixelators during the Hack-N-Win hackathon at the Library of CGC Jhanjeri, the website aims to empower students by providing personalized recommendations and tailored pathways to navigate the complex landscape of education through a bot. With a focus on simplifying the process of course exploration, EdTech Buddy features a sophisticated chatbot to assist students in uncovering their interests and a self-exploration section inviting users to delve into a diverse range of courses. Through its user-friendly interface and intuitive functionalities, EdTech Buddy serves as a beacon of light, guiding students towards educational enlightenment and empowering them to make informed decisions about their future academic and career endeavors.
- Personalized Recommendations: Receive tailored suggestions for the courses one can persue based on your profile.
- Easy-to-Use Interface: Navigate the application effortlessly with a user-friendly design and intuitive controls.
- A nice bot: EdTech Buddy Bot