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Dev Settings

Methan edited this page May 25, 2022 · 6 revisions

Given below are various settings that can be changed on your Dev instance and on Liantichess

Adding/Removing Titles

To add titles Liantichess uses a fork of Liatomictitles which is Liantichesstitles. Instructions on how to use it is pretty simple and is given in the repository's README

If you don't want to use this method to change titles, you could simply make the title changes in your db. To do it using MongoDb UI, go to your MongoDb database page and click on Browse Collections. Browse Collections

  • Now click on user.
  • Then click on the edit icon on the players name that you want to add title.
  • Now add title: "the title you want to give" example, title:"AGM"
  • Next click on update document.
  • Now go to your heroku app dashboard (Heroku UI) and restart all dynos and the added titles will be updated.

Running fairyfishnet

Running fairyfishnet includes games with AI (or game with Fairy-Stockfish) and Analysis of games on Liantichess

To run fairyfishnet, Liantichess uses a fork of Pychess' fairyfishnet which you can find here. To set this up locally you need to locally set your FERNET_KEY and set FISHNET_KEYS to "key": "username" (example, "mykeyname": "srimethan" so when running fairyfishnet change fishnetkey to mykeyname). Then type the following commands to start fishnet locally:

git clone --recursive
cd fairyfishnet
pip install -r requirements.txt
python -k fishentkey --endpoint http://localhost:8080/fishnet/ # Replace 'fishnetkey' with your Fairyfishnet key, and replace 'http://localhost:8080/fishnet/' with your heroku appname if you are using heroku.

For General Analysis Liantichess uses a fork of fairy-stockfish.wasm which you can find here. This is directly added to the Liantichess repository so you well not need to seperately set this up.

Heroku config vars

  • URI : Set it to your app URL. Example:
  • MONGO_HOST : Set it to your mongo database URL. You will get this once MongoDb is up and running or if you are using MongoDb UI you will get this by following the instructions here.
  • FERNET_KEY : Setup this if you want fairyfishnet. See How to setup fairyfishnet (Set FISHNET_KEY too).
  • ADMINS : Set it to names of the players (seperated by a space) that you want to allow to make tournaments and to allow to mute chat. Example: cFlour SriMethan.
  • TOURNAMENT_DIRECTORS : Set it to the names of players (seperated by a space) that that can make special games like host a game for others.