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This document provides an overview of the available API endpoints, their usage, and guidelines on how to test them.

📚 Table of contents

⚠️ API Important considerations

  • We suppose that each product must have a category, so $${\color{yellow}first \space you \space need \space to \space create \space a \space category \space before \space creating \space a \space product}$$.

  • The Many-To-One relation between Category and Product is implemented with ON DELETE CASCADE, so be carefull when deleting a category, $${\color{yellow}all \space the \space products \space associated \space with \space it \space will \space be \space deleted \space as \space well}$$.

  • All endpoints require a valid authentication token. Include the token in the Authorization header as follows:

Authorization: Bearer mY-Very-Secret-Token

🔥 Project setup

👀 Installing & Setting up the Symfony Framework

Do this in case you don't have PHP 8.x installed, Composer and Symfony CLI installed.

1. Install PHP if you don't have PHP 8.x installed

  1. Visit the PHP official website and download the latest stable Thread Safe PHP version.

  2. Windows: Create a new folder C:\php and extract the downloaded PHP files there.

2. Install Composer, which is used to install PHP packages.

Follow the official Composer installation guide.

3. Install Symfony CLI.

Follow the official Symfony CLI installation guide.

1. Clone the Symfony project locally

1.1. Clone the repository to your local machine using the following command:

git clone

1.2. Navigate to the project directory and install the required dependencies using Composer:

cd symfony_crud_poc_backend
composer install

1.3. 🔑[OPTIONAL IF RUNNING LOCALLY]: For the sake of simplicity, we use the .env file in the project root directory to store the API AUTH Token in the API_TOKEN variable. Change the API_TOKEN in case you want to use your own one:


2. Database configuration

2.1. Prior configurations

2.1.1 By default this project is configured to use SQLite database for local PoC.

⚠️ $${\color{yellow}If \space this \space is \space the \space first \space time \space you \space are \space using \space PHP}$$ ⚠️, you should activate the database drivers:

  • Locate your php.ini File: on Windows is located here C:\php\php.ini.
  • Edit the file using your preferred text editor and uncomment the required extensions by removing the leading ;. For example, pdo_pgsql and pgsql for PostgreSQL or sqlite3 and pdo_sqlite for SQLite (Default). After saving the file, your configuration should now include the necessary drivers, like this:
$${\color{yellow}[OPTIONAL]: \space In \space case \space you \space change \space the \space default \space SQLite \space DB, \space do \space this:}$$

Let's config the doctrine yaml file, in your project open the /config/packages/doctrine.yaml file, and edit the driver to use the one you prefer. We use pdo_sqlite by default. Remember that in order to use the driver, you should activate it first in C:\php\php.ini file.

        # driver: 'pdo_pgsql' # You can also choose to use the PostgreSQL
        driver: 'pdo_sqlite'
        url: '%env(DATABASE_URL)%'

2.1.2. Once you decided the driver you will be using, go to the .env file and change the DATABASE_URL to one you want to use.

DATABASE_URL="sqlite:///%kernel.project_dir%/var/data.db" # Default configuration

2.2. Create the DB

2.2.1. If the /var/data.db file does not exist, you can create the db file using the following command:

php bin/console doctrine:database:create
👀 In case of: $${\color{red}SQLSTATE[HY000] \space [14] \space unable \space to \space open \space database \space file}$$ error.
  • If: An exception occurred in the driver: SQLSTATE[HY000] [14] unable to open database file appears, in this case, if you want to run a local server, the best way is to provide an absolute path to the db file. First go to your /var folder, open the terminal, run pwd and copy the PATH, then go and edit the DATABASE_URL in the .env file, for example you should have something like: DATABASE_URL="<YOUR_DB_DRIVER>:///C:/<PATH_FROM_PWD>/data.db". Finally re-run the database:create code.
[OPTIONAL]: Migrate the database if you modify its tables

2.2.1. When making migrations, you need to check the migration code before migrating to DB (/migrations/<migration>.php) File, sometimes the generated code is not correct. On the other hand, we were using SQLite in local, but in prod you should use something else, in this case, we used PostgreSQL. So, we need to check the code and change it to match the DB, for example take a look at the migration code:

public function up(Schema $schema): void
    // Detect if we are using PostgreSQL
    if ($this->connection->getDatabasePlatform()->getName() === 'postgresql') {
        $this->addSql('CREATE TABLE category (
            id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,
            name VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL,
            description TEXT DEFAULT NULL
        $this->addSql('CREATE TABLE product (
            id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,
            category_id INTEGER DEFAULT NULL,
            name VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL,
            description TEXT DEFAULT NULL,
            price DOUBLE PRECISION NOT NULL,
            CONSTRAINT FK_D34A04AD12469DE2 FOREIGN KEY (category_id) REFERENCES category (id) ON DELETE CASCADE
        $this->addSql('CREATE INDEX IDX_D34A04AD12469DE2 ON product (category_id)');
    // Detect if we are using SQLite
    elseif ($this->connection->getDatabasePlatform()->getName() === 'sqlite') {
        $this->addSql('CREATE TABLE category (
            name VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL,
            description TEXT DEFAULT NULL
        $this->addSql('CREATE TABLE product (
            category_id INTEGER DEFAULT NULL,
            name VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL,
            description TEXT DEFAULT NULL,
            price DOUBLE PRECISION NOT NULL,
            CONSTRAINT FK_D34A04AD12469DE2 FOREIGN KEY (category_id) REFERENCES category (id) ON DELETE CASCADE
        $this->addSql('CREATE INDEX IDX_D34A04AD12469DE2 ON product (category_id)');

You can see that we are using SERIAL for the id column in PostgreSQ, but in SQLite we are using INTEGER as well as AUTOINCREMENT, so we need to change the code to match the DB.

2.2. To make migrations to the table, run:

php bin/console doctrine:migrations:diff


Always check the new migration file in the /migrations folder after creating new onew, sometimes the generator produces bad SQL code.

2.2.2. Migrate the migrations to the DB by running: If you're using the default configuration,

php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate

Type yes when WARNING is prompted.

3. Run the server

symfony server:start

🎉Congratulations!🎉: Now you are running the Symfony server locally.

🚀 Testing the API Endpoints

1. 👉 Using Swagger UI

If you are running the server locally, you can access the Swagger UI at http://localhost:8000/api-docs. Once the server is deployed, it will be available at https://<your-domain>/api-docs. Remember that we are using AUTH Token, set the Bearer by clicking Authorize before using the Swagger UI.

2. 🔥 Using Next.js Frontend Locally 🔥

Dedicated NextJS Frontend

This is a frontend app created for testing purposes of the Symfony API server running on localhost at port 8000. It allows you to add a page limit query parameter as well as page parameter for pagination.

2.1. Keep the Symfony server running and open another terminal in the directory where you want to save this project, then download the it locally. You can go to the frontend repository and clone it to your local machine. Or just run:

git clone

2.2. Navigate to the project directory and install the required dependencies using npm:

cd symfony_crud_poc_frontend
npm install

2.3. Start the development server or create a build, which has better performance:

npm run dev


npm run build
npm run start

🎉Congratulations!🎉: Now you are running your frontend server.

2.4. Finally, open your browser on http://localhost:3000/ and start using the endpoints.


If you have deployed your Backend to PROD, you can also use this frontend deployed to Vercel on, all you need to do is input the new PROD url and click Change URL button.

3. More options

Using Postman

1. Download and Install Postman

  1. Visit the Postman Official Site.
  2. Choose the version suitable for your operating system (Windows, macOS, or Linux).
  3. Download and run the installer.
  4. Follow the installation instructions to complete the setup.

2. Create a New Request in Postman

  1. Open Postman.

  2. Create a New Request:

    • Click on the "New" button in the upper-left corner.
    • Select "Request" from the dropdown menu.
    • Enter a name for your request (e.g., "Get All Categories").
    • Optionally, save it to a collection for organization.
  3. Set the Request Method and URL:

    • Choose the HTTP method (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) from the dropdown menu next to the URL field.
    • Enter the API endpoint URL (e.g.,

3. Add Headers

  1. Go to the Headers Tab:

    • Click on the "Headers" tab below the URL field.
  2. Add Authorization Header:

    • Click on the "Key" field and type Authorization.
    • Click on the "Value" field and enter Bearer YOUR_API_TOKEN, replacing YOUR_API_TOKEN with your actual API token.


    Key: Authorization Value: Bearer mY-Very-Secret-Token

4. Send the Request and Review the Response

  1. Send the Request:
  • Click the "Send" button to submit your request.
  1. Review the Response:
  • Postman will display the response in the lower part of the window.
  • You can view the status code, response time, and headers.
  • The response body will be shown in the "Body" tab. You can switch between different formats like JSON, HTML, or raw text.

Example Response:

    "status": "success",
    "message": "Found successfully",
    "page": "x",
    "limit": "y",
    "totalPages": "z",
    "prevPage": "/api/categories/get?page=x-1",
    "nextPage": "/api/categories/get?page=x+1",
    "data": [
            "id": 1,
            "name": "category 1",
            "description": "Some category description",
            "products": [
                    "id": 8,
                    "name": "Product X",
                    "description": "product description Y",
                    "price": 0.75,
                    "category": 1

4. 🗺 Available endpoints

4.1 Category Endpoints
Endpoint Method Description
/api/categories/get GET Retrieves a list of all categories.
/api/categories/{id}/get GET Retrieves a specific category by its unique id.
/api/categories/create POST Creates a new category with the provided details.
/api/categories/{id}/update PUT Updates the category identified by the given id with the provided data.
/api/categories/{id}/delete DELETE Deletes the category identified by the given id.
4.2 Products Endpoints
Endpoint Method Description
/api/products/get GET Retrieves a list of all products.
/api/products/{id}/get GET Retrieves a specific product by its unique id.
/api/products/create POST Creates a new product with the provided details.
/api/products/{id}/update PUT Updates the product with the specified id using the provided data.
/api/products/{id}/delete DELETE Deletes the product identified by the given id.

🔥 Symfony deployment to

You can also follow the Official documentation to get started with Symfony and

1. Prerequisites

1.1. Account: Sign up for a account if you don’t already have one. 1.2. CLI: Install the CLI tool. Full instructions can be found here. Or if you are using Scoop, just run:

scoop bucket add platformsh
scoop install platform

2. Prepare Symfony Application


This project already has all the configuration files.

2.1. Configure the API_TOKEN, CORS ORIGIN and the APP_API_PRODUCTION_URL in the .env file:

API_TOKEN=mY-Very-Secret-Token # Set some good token

# CORS_ALLOW_ORIGIN='^https?://(localhost|127\.0\.0\.1)(:[0-9]+)?$'
CORS_ALLOW_ORIGIN='*' # This is not good for production

# The URL of the API: CHANGE FOR PRODUCTION. Is user for Swagger server.
APP_API_PRODUCTION_URL=<YOUR_PRODUCTION_URL_HERE> # You can modify this once deployed the first time, so you will know your URL

3. Configure for Symfony


Delete the .git file before initializing your own, then init your Git Hub repository.

git init
git add .
git commit -m "First commit"
git branch -M main
git remote add origin<YOUR_GIT_HUB_USER>/<PROJECT_NAME>.git
git push -u origin main

3.1. Log into Follow the instructions to authenticate and connect your account.

platform login

3.2. Create a New Project, official guide here. If asks for Default branch (--default-branch), set it to true.

platform project:create --title symfony_crud_poc --region


In case you used the UI, you can link any repository to an existing project using the following command:

symfony project:set-remote <PROJECT_ID>

# or

platform project:set-remote <PROJECT_ID>


When you create a new project on for the first time, a $${\color{red}1-Month \space Free \space Tier}$$ will also be activated. Please keep this in mind when starting your project.

3.2.1. You can check your project info running:

platform project:list

3.3. Commit changes and deploy to

git add .
git commit -m "Add configuration"
git push -u platform main

3.4. Now let's update the APP_API_PRODUCTION_URL=<YOUR_PRODUCTION_URL_HERE> variable in .env: 3.4.1. Go to the console of your project. 3.4.2. Copy your project URL, check the image below:

Platform project console

3.4.3. Now edit the APP_API_PRODUCTION_URL=<YOUR_PRODUCTION_URL_HERE> variable in .env and push the changes:

git add .
git commit -m "ENV changes"
git push -u platform main

🎉Congratulations!🎉: You are now running your API server.

🚀 Test the deployed backend endpoints

Frontend from vercel

  • The easiest way is to use the NextJS frontend deployed to Vercel, just go to, paste your project URL in the input, click Change URL button and reload the page. Voilà, now you can use your backend perfectly! You can also add a page limit query parameter as well as a specific page number for pagination.

  • The other way is to use the backend Swagger, just go to /api-docs.


You also have a deployed backend server on ( )

Useful Commands

  • symfony server:start

    Starts the Symfony local development server. This command is useful for running your Symfony application locally and testing it in a development environment.

  • php bin/console doctrine:migrations:diff

    Generates a new migration file based on changes in your Doctrine entities. This is used to create migration scripts that will update your database schema according to the changes made in your entity classes.

  • php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate

    Applies the migrations to the database. Use this command to execute migration scripts and update your database schema to match your entities.

  • php bin/console make:migration

    Creates a new empty migration class. This is useful if you need to manually write custom migration logic instead of relying on doctrine:migrations:diff to generate migrations automatically.

  • php bin/console doctrine:schema:update --force

    Updates your database schema based on your Doctrine entity mappings.

  • platform projects

    Lists your projects info, like projectID

  • platform project:delete <project_id>

    Deletes the project by its ID

Some of the used bundles.

  • composer require nelmio/cors-bundle
  • composer require nelmio/api-doc-bundle
  • composer require asset
  • composer require symfony/orm-pack
  • composer require symfony/maker-bundle
  • composer require doctrine/doctrine-bundle
  • composer require doctrine/dbal


A basic RESTful CRUD API PoC written in Symfony 7 (PHP).







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