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Contains .NET Expression Helpers


Package Manager:

PM> Install-Package Spinit.Expressions


> dotnet add package Spinit.Expressions


Combining predicates


Combines two predicates using AndAlso (&&) and uses parameters from the first expression.


Expression<Func<int, bool>> first = x => x > 10;
Expression<Func<int, bool>> second = y => y < 20;
var result = first.And(second); // combines the expressions using AndAlso
// result expression: (int x) => x > 10 && x < 20


Combines two predicates using OrElse (||) and uses parameters from the first expression.


Expression<Func<int, bool>> first = x => x >= 10;
Expression<Func<int, bool>> second = y => y <= -10;
var result = first.Or(second); // combines the expressions using OrElse
// result expression: (int x) => x >= 10 || x <= -10


Combines multiple predicates using the supplied operator and uses parameters from the first expression.


var predicates = new List<Expression<Func<string, bool>>>
    x => x.Contains("a"),
    y => y.Contains("b"),
    z => z.Contains("c")
var result = predicates.Combine(CombineOperator.And);
// result expression (string x) => x.Contains("a") && x.Contains("b") && x.Contains("c")

Remapping expression

RemapTo is used to remap an expression on a type to another type, given a selector that is of the original type.


public class MyClass 
    public string Id { get; set; }


Expression<Func<string, bool>> stringExpression = s => s == "123";
var myClassExpression = stringExpression.RemapTo((MyClass x) => x.Id); // provide a path
// myClassExpression: (MyClass x) => x.Id == "123"

Predicate generator

This is a utility class for generating an expression on a class given another "filter" class.

Example scenario: You have a webapi using some ORM (NHibernate, EntityFramework, Spinit.CosmosDb) and want to allow api users to supply a filter for your data.

Metacode for this scenario:

public class MyEntity
    public string Id { get; set; }
    public MyStatusEnum Status { get; set; }
    public string Category { get; set; }

public class MyEntityFilter 
    [TargetPropertyName(nameof(MyEntityFilter.Status))] // This attribute is optional but recommended
    public MyStatusEnum? Status { get; set; }
    public IEnumerable<string> Category { get; set; }

public MyApiController : BaseController
    private readonly IQueryable<MyEntity> _entities;

    // WebApi action method
    public IEnumerable<MyEntity> Get(MyEntityFilter filter)
        var predicate = new PredicateBuilder<MyEntityFilter, MyEntity>().Generate(filter);
        // if filter.Status and filter.Category is set the resulting expression looks like:
        // x => x.Status == filter.Status && filter.Category.Contains(x.Category)
        return _entities.Where(predicate);

Out of the box the PredicateGenerator handles "simple types", eg types that contains a single value. You can supply your own IPropertyPredicateHandler and add it using PredicateGenerator.AddHandler.


  • If no TargetPropertyName attribute exists the property name of the filter class and the entity must match.
  • When using an enumerable on the filter class Contains is used, eg it should match any of the supplied values (OR).
  • If the filter value is null (or an empty enumerable) no predicate is applied for the current property.


Utility class for defining a predicate expression e.g. Expression<Func<SomeType, bool>>


// instead of
Expression<Func<string, bool>> predicate = s => s == "123";
// you can use
var predicate = Predicate.Of<string>(s => s == "123");

Type expressions

Utility class for expressions from types.


Returns an expression that points to the specified property.

Example for sorting a collection on a dynamic property:

public class MyEntity
    public string Name { get; set; }

public MyApiController : BaseController
    private readonly IQueryable<MyEntity> _entities;

    // WebApi action method
    public IEnumerable<MyEntity> Get(string orderBy)
        var orderByExpression = TypeExpressions.GetPropertyExpression<MyEntity>(orderBy);
        // if orderBy == "Name" orderByExpression is: x => x.Name
        return _entities.OrderBy(orderByExpression);