mattermost mermaidjs plugin
This plugin expects to receive a message from outside MM with the payload of the markdown. Something like this:
'response_type' => 'in_channel',
'attachments' => array(array(
'color' => getMMMsgColor('blue'),
'title' => $q['title'],
'props' => array('mermaidData'=>markdown here),
we are using it from a chatbot
the chartjs plugin is the same:
'response_type' => 'in_channel',
'attachments' => array(array(
'color' => getMMMsgColor('blue'),
'title' => $q['title'],
'props' => array('chartdata'=>chartjs data here)),
we are doing this from coreBOS with this extension
This plugin allows you to integrate external services with your Mattermost instance using incoming webhooks.
To get started with this plugin, please follow these steps:
In your Mattermost instance, go to the Product menu, and select Integrations > Incoming Webhook.
If you don't see the Integrations option, incoming webhooks may not be enabled on your Mattermost server or may be disabled for non-admins. They can be enabled by a System Admin from System Console > Integrations > Integration Management.
Select Add Incoming Webhook and provide a name and description for the webhook. The description can be up to 500 characters.
Choose the channel where you want to receive webhook payloads, then click Add to create the webhook. This action will generate a unique webhook endpoint URL.
Note: Treat this endpoint as a secret. Anyone who has it will be able to post messages to your Mattermost instance.
To test the plugin, you'll need to send a payload to the webhook endpoint you created in the previous step. You can use HTTP POST requests to do this. Here's how:
Use the obtained webhook endpoint URL, which should look something like this:
. -
Send an HTTP POST request to the webhook endpoint with the payload. Below is an example of a sample payload sent from Postman:
"response_type": "in_channel",
"attachments": [
"color": "red",
"title": "Demo Bot"
"props": {
"mermaidData": "graph TD;\n A[Start] --> B[Process 3];\n B --> C[Process 4];\n C --> D[End];"