Discord App for Spirit island
Invite code: https://discord.com/api/oauth2/authorize?client_id=722800660302528533&permissions=342016&scope=bot
- Clone this repo
- Copy
and fill in the variables npm install
to install all pre-requisitesnpm start
to run the bot
- -search [search words]
- -draw [card type] [amount (<=10)]
- -take [card type]\
- -power [card name]
- -minor [card name]
- -major [card name]
- -unique [card name]
- -uniques [spirit name] \
- -blight [card name]
- -board [board letter/name]
- -event [event name]
- -fear [fear name]
- -faqs (search words)
- -random spirit (max complexity (low/moderate/high/vhc))
- -random adversary (min difficulty) (max difficulty)
- -random double (min difficulty) (max difficulty)
- -random scenario
- -spirit (front/back) [keywords]
- -adversary (name)
- -aspect (spirit or aspect) [aspect keywords] [number of card (i.e. Locus part 1/2)]
- -healing [keyword]
- -incarna [keyword] (front/back)
- -scenario (front/back) [keywords]
- Implement levenshtein to all card search
- clean up code a bit.
- Deleting -random message after 15 secs