This is for the development of AdhocCombat (
This is a work in progress...
Got 5 minutes to spare, bored, in Windows or MacOS and have a Chrome or Firefox based browser? Time for some AdhocCombat!
Be assigned to a random faction and fight AI controlled bots and sometimes other players!
Pick from different weapons: Assault Rifle (all round weapon), Shotgun (better at close range), Light Machine Gun (bigger magazine), Marksman Rifle (long range), Grenade Launcher (AOE), or Rocket Launcher (slow firing but big AOE).
Fight for control of objectives on the map. You can only take objectives that are linked to an objective you already own (but if your faction has no objectives - you can take any objective).
Walk from area to area in the world and be automatically connected to the appropriate server.
Build structures such as sandbags to use as cover. Structures are persistent and remain even if the server restarts.