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Cooper Filby edited this page Oct 9, 2017 · 4 revisions

SparkEd Project Wiki

Welcome to the SparkEd Project Wiki! This wiki contains information that will help you deploy the SparkEd Application, as well as how to build and develop for SparkEd.

Development Environment Setup

SparkEd is a MeteorJS application, so the bulk of the setup involves installing Node.js, Git, and the Meteor CLI. See the links below to configure your platform of choice.

Production Builds

For information on building a production release of SparkEd, see the build documentation.

Production Deployments

Our documentation outlines one method of performing a custom deployment of the SparkEd Application for the following platforms:

Our team recommends using Ubuntu/Linux for SparkEd. While the Windows documentation will allow you to run the SparkEd Application through IIS, there may be additional steps needed to optimally configure and protect your server.

Since SparkEd is a MeteorJS Application, there are other deployment mechanisms that may work better for you than the custom deployments outlined here. Please refer to the MeteorJS documentation for more details.