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Windows Demeteorizer

Cooper Filby edited this page Oct 9, 2017 · 2 revisions


To build a production release of SparkEd for Windows, we'll need to install a few additional tools. In the future demeteorized releases for Windows may be made available directly from the SparkEd repository with regular releases.

Install Git

  1. Download git from Git Download
  2. Follow instructions

Install Meteor

More Info

  1. Go to meteor download page and download the meteor installer
  2. Double click on the installer and follow the instructions to install
  3. You can create a meteor developer account, I decided to skip for this guide.
  4. Click Close
  5. Right Click on Computer, the click on Properties
  6. Click on Advanced system settings
  7. Click on Environmental Variables
  8. Edit the PATH variable by removing the ending \ on the meteor path
    Before: c"\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\.meteor\
    After: c"\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\.meteor
  9. Click OK and OK and finally OK

Install Visual Studio Community

  1. Go to visual studio community download page and download the community edition
    According to meteor forums it is needed for command line build tools.
  2. Double click on the installer and follow instructions

Install Python 2.7.x

Python is needed as part of the building Fibers

  1. Download Python 2.7.x from python download 3.x is not supported
  2. Customize Python and select Add python.exe to Path on the Customize Python 2.7.x dialog box
  3. Click Next

Install node-gyp

More Info

  1. On command prompt: npm install -g which
  2. Run: which node
  3. Cd into the directory that node.exe is contained: cd "C:\Program Files\nodejs\node_modules\npm"
  4. Run: npm install -g node-gyp@latest

Install demeteorizer

  1. Open command prompt
  2. Run: npm install -g demeteorizer

With Demetoerizer installed, we can now proceed to configuring the SparkEd user account.