Movie and TV Streaming App
Compatibility : Android 7+
- AdFree
- No tracking/analytics
- Lesser Loading Time
- Good sources for Indian OTT Content
- Tokei only scrapes links from various websites and makes it easier for users to find tvShows and movies.
- Tokei doesn't host any of the contents found inside Tokei. Any and all images and movie/tv information found in the app are taken from various public APIs (TMDb).
- Furthermore, all of the movie/tv links found in Tokei are taken from various 3rd party hosting websites.
- Tokei or it's owners aren't liable for any misuse of any of the contents found inside or outside of the app and cannot be held accountable for the distribution of any of the contents found inside the app.
- By using Tokei, you comply to the fact that the developer of the app is not responsible for any of the contents found in the app; nonetheless they may or may not be from their legitimate sources.
- If the internet infringement issues are involved, please contact the source website. The developer does not assume any legal responsibility.