This project is in a maintenance-only state.
Automatically archive ongoing livestreams.
- Watch streams until they are live
- Splits streams into chunks of X seconds
- Can enable rclone to automatically pick up completed chunks and copy/move them elsewhere
- Easy configuration of streams and config
- Ability to add/remove/edit streams in the stream config while running
- Error/crash recovery
- Plugins to process event data from each streamer process
Uses Streamlink to download the streams.
NOTE: Only supported/tested on Linux. It might be possible to run on Windows, however there is no logging output (feel free to contribute fixes).
I recommended using docker as that is how I have designed this program to work, however it is possible to without.
NOTE: In the docker image, config.yml
, streamers.yml
and rclone.conf
are to be put in /config
(see configuration section on how to configure)
There are two Dockerfiles:
- Dockerfile is the default.
Clone this repository:
git clone && cd saa
Build the docker image
docker build . -t saa
and to run
docker run -d --name saa -v /path/to/config:/config -v /path/to/download/location:/download --restart unless-stopped saa
or you can use docker-compose (see docker-compose.yml in repository)
version: "3.5"
context: .
dockerfile: Dockerfile
container_name: saa
- /path/to/config:/config
- /path/to/download/location:/download
restart: unless-stopped
and to start
docker-compose up -d
Requires Python 3.7+
Clone this repository:
git clone && cd saa
(Optional, but recommended) - Create Python virtual environment:
python3 -m venv saa && source saa/bin/activate
Install SAA:
pip3 install .
and then to run (see configuration section on how to configure)
saa --config-file config/config.yml --streamers-file config/streamers.yml
View other command line options with saa --help
Configure streamers.yml
In this file is where you can configure all the streams to archive. The sites that are supported depends on Streamlink.
There are various optional arguments you can add - see for more detailed options.
Basic usage example:
url: "" # url to send to Streamlink
name: "TwitchStream"
split_time: 3600 # rough length of each chunk in seconds
download_directory: "/download/TwitchStream" # for the docker container make sure this is /download
streamlink_args: # list of any extra command line arguments to send to Streamlink
- "--twitch-disable-hosting"
rclone: # to enable rclone to move completed chunks for this stream (optional)
remote_dir: "DemoRemote:/location/to/move/to"
Configure config.yml
This includes general options
log_level: "INFO"
config: "/config/rclone.conf"
default_operation: "move"
# optional (see docs/ for more info)
host: localhost
port: 8086
user: "foo"
password: "supersecretpassword"
dbname: "saa"
ssl: False
verify_ssl: False