Selection of papers on the evolution of Copernicus Land Monitoring Services, in order to include the time series produced by the Sentinel constellations, based on the H2020 ECoLaSS ("Evolution of Copernicus Land Services based on Sentinel data") led by GAF in a consortium including SIRS, Johanneum Research, Université Catholique de Louvain and the German Aerospace Center - DLR (Jan. 2017 - Dec. 2019).
The study undergone in the framework of ECoLaSS focused on the HR Layers, comprised of:
- IMPerviousness (status and change) layers;
- FORest (status and change) layers;
- GRAsslands (status and change) layers
- and on the feasibility of new generation of HR products, such as PHEnological and AGRIcultural activities, as well as CLC+.
Further details can be found on the website of the project at
- Sentinel satellites characteristics
- Sentinel-1 A/B
- Sentinel-2 A/B
- Sentinel-3 A/B
- Fusion characteristics
- Sentinel-1/Sentinel2
- Sentinel-2/Sentinel-3
- Thematic Classification State-of-the-Art
- Urban mapping (IMP products)
- Forest mapping (FOR products)
- Grasslands mapping (GRA products)
- Agricultural mapping
- LC/LU Wall-to-wall mapping (CLC+ products)
- Change Detection State-of-the-Art
- Publications related to the project ECoLaSS and deliverables provided to the European Commission
(By alphabetical order, as listed in the authors section of th deliverables)
- Roger Almengor González
- Giovanni Buzzo
- David Herrmann
- Martin Ickerott
- Monika Kovatsch
- Amelie Lindmayer
- Benjamin Mack
- Eva Sevillano Marco
- Linda Moser
- Markus Probeck
- Gernot Ramminger
- Regine Richter
- Christopher Rieke
- Inés Ruiz Gomez
- Christopher Sandow
- Katharina Schwab
- Kathrin Schweitzer
- Cornelia Storch
- André Stumpf
- Carolin Summer
- Yoann Courmont
- Fabrice Dazin
- Baudouin Desclée
- Tatiana De-Wyse
- Didier Drache
- Nicolas Ekicier
- Corentin Falcone
- Justine Hugé
- Grégory Jacquet
- Clémence Kenner
- Alice Lhernould
- Antoine Masse
- Alexandre Pennec
- Christophe Sannier
- Janik Deutscher
- Heinz Gallaun
- Klaus Granica
- Petra Miletich
- Larissa Posch
- Martin Puhm
- Mathias Schardt
- Benedikt Zörfus
- Brigitte Bedoret
- Nicolas Bellemans
- Xavier Blaes
- Nicolas Deffense
- Pierre Defourny
- Omar Ali Eweys
- Benjamin Goffart
- Diane Heymans
- Elie Khalil
- Marie-Julie Lambert
- Thomas De Maet
- Philippe Malcorps
- Inès Moreau
- Matthieu Taymans
- Jolan Walter
- Felix Bachofer
- Andreas Hirner
- Igor Klein
- Benjamin Leutner
- Annekatrin Metz-Marconcini
- Soner Üreyen
AGRI: Agricultural
CLC+: CORINE Land Cover +
CLMS: Copernicus Land Monitoring Services
CORINE: Coordination of information on the environment
ECoLaSS: Evolution of Copernicus Land Services based on Sentinel data
FOR: Forest
GRA: Grasslands
HR: High Resolution
HRL: High Resolution Layer
IMP: Imperviousness
LC: Land Cover
LU: Land Use
PHE: Phenological