A command line utility to generate static types for @nestjs/cqrs module handlers.
$ npm install --save-dev nestjs-cqrs-static-type-generator
$ ./node_modules/.bin/generate-types --help
Will show you help menu
Based on this example you will get following types generated.
import { CommandBus, EventBus, QueryBus } from "@nestjs/cqrs";
import { DropAncientItemCommand } from "./src/heroes/commands/impl/drop-ancient-item.command";
import { KillDragonCommand } from "./src/heroes/commands/impl/kill-dragon.command";
import { HeroFoundItemEvent } from "./src/heroes/events/impl/hero-found-item.event";
import { HeroKilledDragonEvent } from "./src/heroes/events/impl/hero-killed-dragon.event";
import { GetHeroesQuery } from "./src/heroes/queries/impl";
* This file is auto-generated.
* Please do not edit this file manually or add it
* to your git repository as it may contain some
* absolute paths to class declarations
declare module '@nestjs/cqrs' {
export class QueryBus {
execute(query: GetHeroesQuery): Promise<import("/Users/sonyahon/Workspace/SonyaHon/ex/nest-cqrs-example/src/heroes/models/hero.model").Hero[]>;
export class CommandBus {
execute(command: DropAncientItemCommand): Promise<void>;
execute(command: KillDragonCommand): Promise<void>;
export class EventBus {
publish(event: HeroFoundItemEvent);
publish(event: HeroKilledDragonEvent);
This augments default types of @nestjs/cqrs providing auto-completion based on handler implementation and throw compile time errors if handler is not presented.